
Alcohol Subscription Service

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is Create-OH

Creat-OH is an alcohol subscription service where users are able to discover new alcohols based on the tastes they enjoy wrather than the brands the know.

How It Works

After signing up new users will be given a survey where they will decide what subscription they would like, how often they would like to receive their shipments, and finally the flavors they prefer in their alcohol. Completing this survey gives users access to Create-OH's two main features.

The Alcohol Filter

A user's subscription determines the quality and range of alcohols that they will have access to, and the flavors they choose will be reflected in the alcohols that are suggested to them.

On the alcohol page Creat-OH's extensive list of alcohols will be filtered according to each user's preferences ensuring that whatever they choose they will enjoy.

The Recipe List

In addition to the selection of drinks that Create-OH makes available to its clients there is also the recipe feature.

The recipes list provides a wide range of cocktails filtered by alcohols and types of alcohols and even gives clients a list of their ingredients as well as some simple instructions on how to prepare the drink.

Users can favorite drinks that they are paricularly fond of and will find them stored on their profile page.