- 1
Add license
#41 opened by merwok - 2
Publish updated version of standard-mailcap to pypi
#39 opened by meeuw - 12
Distutils testsuite doesn't run in python 3.13
#16 opened by lucas42 - 3
Add CI running with Python 3.13
#27 opened by youknowone - 3
- 1
imghdr tests missing imghdrdata directory
#17 opened by lucas42 - 1
mailcap tests missing `mailcap.txt`
#18 opened by lucas42 - 1
sndhdr testsuite missing sndhdrdata directory
#20 opened by lucas42 - 3
RuntimeError on import
#4 opened by phdru - 1
smtpd has dependency on asyncore
#21 opened by lucas42 - 2
- 0
audio files missing from tests
#7 opened by lucas42 - 2
audioop missing
#6 opened by lucas42 - 3