API Management Collection


Config File

Name Description Value Type
Version Version of the application string
Port Port for the application to listen on string
JWTSalt Salt for the JWT signature string
AuthorizedHosts CORS Header for authorized hosts []string
Database.Host Host of the database server string
Database.Port Port of the database server string
Database.User Host of the database string
Database.Password Password of the database string
Database.Database Name of the database string
Log.Formatter Format of the logs ascii/json
Log.Output Where the logs will be stdout/stderr
Log.Level Level of logs debug/info/warn/crit


Two prerequisites :

  1. Go >= 1.10
  2. Postgres >= 10
  3. Glide

Dev installation


docker run -it -d -p 5432:5432 --restart=always -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="apicollection" -e POSTGRES_USER="apicollection" -e POSTGRES_DB="api_collection" --name=postgres postgres


git clone https://github.com/youkoulayley/api-collection
cd api-collection
glide install
cp conf.example.json conf.json
cp conf.example.json conf_test.json

First, clone the repository, then go to the folder and fetch all dependencies. You are now ready to work. Finally you have to copy the conf example twice, one for the app and one for the test. Fill those files with correct values.


Based on the work of Sorastro.