
Primary LanguageRuby


BLOG_APP is a web application that allows you to create, edit delete and show blogs built with ruby on rails

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

  • BLOG_APP follows this diagram for creating migration files and database screenshot

Additional description about the project and its features.

Built With

  • RUBY

Gems Used

  • Rubocop
  • RAILS (v7)

How to Setup

You can simply clone or download this repository, and use your favorite browser or code editor to run this program.

  • To open this project using vs code ( for this example) or your favorite code editor, you can follow the guide below:

    in your cmd or command line navigate to where this project is located, then:

cd blog_app

thereafter run

code .

How to Run the App through terminal

  • To run the application through trminal, make sure ruby and rails is installed in your computer then follow the guide below:

    in your cmd or command line navigate to where this project is located, then;

cd blog_app

Install Gems

bundle install

thereafter run the below command to start the server on localhost

rails s 

Set up database

to create databases on your local machine follow the steps below :

  1. First make sure that postgresql installed on your machine
  2. make sure that postgresql server is runninng
  3. run the following command to create database on your machine
rake db:create

Update schema file and database

  • To run the migration files to update schema and databse simply run the following command :
rails db:migrate


the application has tests written by rspec_rails to run the tests simply type the below command in the root directory



👤 Youmari

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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