BLOG_APP is a web application that allows you to create, edit delete and show blogs built with ruby on rails
ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)
Additional description about the project and its features.
Built With
Gems Used
- Rubocop
- RAILS (v7)
How to Setup
You can simply clone or download this repository, and use your favorite browser or code editor to run this program.
- To open this project using vs code ( for this example) or your favorite code editor, you can follow the guide below:
in your cmd or command line navigate to where this project is located, then:
cd blog_app
thereafter run
code .
How to Run the App through terminal
- To run the application through trminal, make sure ruby and rails is installed in your computer then follow the guide below:
in your cmd or command line navigate to where this project is located, then;
cd blog_app
Install Gems
bundle install
thereafter run the below command to start the server on localhost
rails s
Set up database
to create databases on your local machine follow the steps below :
- First make sure that postgresql installed on your machine
- make sure that postgresql server is runninng
- run the following command to create database on your machine
rake db:create
Update schema file and database
- To run the migration files to update schema and databse simply run the following command :
rails db:migrate
the application has tests written by rspec_rails to run the tests simply type the below command in the root directory
👤 Youmari
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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