- CuteFrank <littlescore@gmail.com>
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- 作为2016年的开发者,你需要学习Emacs(或者Vi).org <2018-02-21>
- 我为什么从Vim叛逃到了Emacs.org <2017-12-20>
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- BBDB on EIEIO – An Introduction to Object-Oriented Emacs Lisp.org <2017-06-16>
- Emacs Lisp Buffer Passing Style.org <2017-03-05>
- Emacs Advice的局限性.org <2017-03-05>
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- momentary-string-display.org <2017-02-07>
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- 如何让重复调用emacs函数尽可能的方便.org <2016-10-07>
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- 在Elisp中退出当前调用栈并执行另一个函数的方法.org <2016-09-28>
- 创建并发布Emacs package的简单指南.org <2016-08-30>
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- 现在可以在Emacs中,访问你的Google云端硬盘了.org <2018-08-30>
- EmacsWiki- Programmable Completion.org <2018-02-15>
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- TO EWW OR NOT TO EWW.org <2017-06-14>
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- 在Org-Mode-table中使用自定义elisp函数进行计算.org <2016-06-20>
- 使用Org-mode管理网络书签.org <2016-06-20>
- 使用Org-mode代替delicious(书签管理).org <2016-06-19>
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- An Agenda for Life With Org Mode.org <2018-09-19>
- TIP- How I organize myself with org-mode - emacs.org <2018-09-17>
- Splitting an Org block into two.org <2018-09-17>
- Orgmode for GTD.org <2018-09-17>
- Goodbye VSCode, Hello Emacs (Again).org <2018-09-17>
- org-mode in Your Pocket.org <2018-09-12>
- Why Emacs is a great text editor.org <2018-09-06>
- Why a minimal browser, when there is a full-featured one- Introducing-XWidget Webkit– A state-of-the-art browser for your modern Emacs –8211- Emacs Notes search previous next tag category expand menu location phone mail time cart zoom edit close.org <2018-09-06>
- Two Years With Emacs as a CEO (and now CTO).org <2018-08-19>
- Marcin Borkowski- 2018-07-29 2018-07-29 The INSIDE EMACS variable.org <2018-08-19>
- Getting productive with selection and navigation in Emacs - Icicles of thought.org <2018-08-19>
- The Ultimate Guide To Indentation in Emacs (Tabs and Spaces).org <2018-08-17>
- Daily Time Management with Todoist and Google Calendar.org <2018-08-17>
- Literate Programming- Empower Your Writing with Emacs Org-Mode.org <2018-08-16>
- Marcin Borkowski- 2018-07-16 Eshell aliases.org <2018-07-24>
- 3 Emacs modes for taking notes.org <2018-07-20>
- Uses of regular expressions in Emacs.org <2018-07-06>
- Marcin Borkowski- 2018-07-02 Smart yanking.org <2018-07-06>
- Literate Programming with Org-mode.org <2018-07-06>
- Emacs from scratch.org <2018-07-06>
- Capturing Content for Emacs.org <2018-07-06>
- How to spell check function-variable in Emacs.org <2018-07-05>
- How to Make an Emacs Minor Mode - null program.org <2018-07-05>
- Determining if the server is started, or the wonders of server-running-p.org <2018-07-05>
- Getting geo-tagged information from photos for blogging.org <2018-07-02>
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- Emacs Database Interface (EDBI).org <2018-06-22>
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- Making it easier to extend the export of org-mode links with generic functions.org <2018-06-11>
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- A Brief Introduction to Literate Analytics With org-babel.org <2018-06-05>
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- Marcin Borkowski- 2018-02-25 Simple way of assigning formulas to fields and columns in Org tables.org <2018-03-28>
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- Advanced Usage of Dependencies Between Tasks Using Org-mode.org <2018-03-02>
- Making Emacs work like my Neovim setup.org <2018-02-14>
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- Peek definition with Emacs frame.org <2018-02-05>
- Emacs for Science.org <2018-02-05>
- Reading-For-Programmers.org <2017-07-12>
- Adding-keymaps-to-src-blocks-via-org-font-lock-hook.org <2017-06-14>
- org-mode.org <2017-04-06>
- Emacs, Dynamic Modules, and Joysticks « null program.org <2017-02-21>
- 如何更改org-mode中TODO关键字的颜色.org <2016-12-23>
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- 如今(2016)编写emacs-lisp的最佳实践是什么.org <2016-09-08>
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- 如何让Emacs在运行期变得更快一点.org <2016-08-31>