Server To Server Offer API For Publisher


Request Parameter

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
app_id string Y Identification key, available from our publisher website
os string Y Filter offer by target OS: android / ios
page_size int N Define the number of offers per page, page_size should be no greater than 10000 in case of request timeout
page int N Define which page to fetch, starting from 1
gaid string Y Android gaid. Required when os is android
andid string Y Android andid, Required when os is android
thirdparty_id string N thirdparty id
country string N Filter offer by target country. When it is empty, the country where the IP is located will be used

Response Parameter of an Offer

Parameter Description Type
id Offer id string
icon Offer icon url string
name Offer name string
conversion_flow Publisher can get a conversion only if the user complete this conversion flow. string
tracking_link The tracking link of the offer. string
payout The revenue of the offer at the time request string
preview_url preview url of offer string
package The package name of the offer string
offer_type CPI/CPA/CPL string
payout_type CPI: This means the offer is from an app store.
CPA: This means user will be redirected to a web task.
CPL: This means the offer is paid for an explicit sign-up
os Target os: android / ios string
countries Targeting countries of offer array
os_version Targeting countries of os version string

Other Resonse Parameter

Parameter Description Type
p Page int
n Page Size int
tot Total number int


GET  (only for test)

	"c": 0,
	"d": {
		"p": 1,
		"tot": 28,
		"n": 1,
		"data": [{
			"id": 2957231058,
			"icon": "",
			"name": "Plus500: CFD Online Trading on Forex and Stocks",
			"conversion_flow": "1.Download and open the app\n2.Sign up for the app and try for a loan\n3.Redeem your points! Attention: New Users Only!",
			"tracking_link": "",
			"payout": "3.60",
			"preview_url": "",
			"package": "com.Plus500",
			"offer_type": "app",
			"payout_type": "fixed",
			"os": "android",
			"countries": [
			"os_version": ""