
required GitHubActions secrets

  • Set firebase token as FIREBASE_TOKEN
    • You can get this with firebase login:ci command.
  • Set slack incoming webhook url as SLACK_INCOMING_WEBHOOK_URL
  • Set github username as USERNAME
  • Set AppStoreConnect key as ASC_KEY_CONTENT
    • TODO: how to get this
  • Set fastlane match password as MATCH_PASSWORD
    • You can get it when fastlane match setup
  • Set your github access token as PERSONAL_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN

setup (when project created)

2. iOS setup

2.1. Apple Developer setup

2.1.1. create AppleDeveloper program

2.1.2. create Identifier

2.1.3. set test devices

2.2 fastlane match

2.2.1. init

cd projects/app
bundle install

cd ios
bundle exec fastlane match init

2.2.2. create profile, certificate of appstore

cd projects/app/ios
bundle exec fastlane match appstore

3. Android setup



common schema

You can use common firestore schema across app and functions.



import * as FirestoreType from "../../../../common/firestore";
import { userConverter } from "../utils/converter";

export const service = async () => {
  const snapshot = await firestore()
  const data =;
  if (data !== undefined) {
    // This data is validated and typed by User schema.

app start

cd projects/app/ios
pod install

yarn start:app:ios:dev # ios
yarn start:app:android:dev # android

firebase functions

yarn fix:functions # eslint --fix
yarn lint:functions # eslint
yarn test:functions # unit testing

firebase deploy

yarn deploy:firebase

preset CI workflow

PR to main branch

  • eslint fix, check
  • unit testing(jest)

branch pushed on main

  • deploy firebase to dev environment
  • eslint fix, check
  • unit testing(jest)

v* tags pushed

  • deploy firebase to prod environment
  • deploy app to TestFlight