Fuel Transfer Module for Kerbal Space Program.

Latest version: 0.2.3

You can grab a copy of the latest release at:

Currently, you need to be within 2000 meters (2km) of the source/destination vessels (i.e. if you are transfering fuel from some other ship to the currently controlled ship, they need to be within 2km of you).
This works for both RCS and Regular (rocket and airplane) fuel.

- Updated to build against 0.17.1

- Merged pull request from Majiir to fix his issues in how I use MajiirKerbalLib
- It now will hide the window on game pause.

- Fixed the IFuelSource interface so that it auto-works with other plugins that implement it.
- Fixed bug in getting fuel from regular fuel tanks.
- You can now grab fuel from debris.

 - Added KSPMM compatibility
 - added interface IFuelSource - Non RCS/fueltanks can use this module now!
 - Rewrote mostly everything.

 - No longer crashes when attempting to transfer RCS

 - Added highlighting of fuel tanks (hover mouse over the "+" button)
 - Fixed empty tanks not working
 - No longer able to overfill a tank
(Thanks Mirosta!)
 - Fixed bug where you generate infinite fuel by have the source and destination tanks the same.

 - No longer displays information for vessels > 50km away.
 - Destination tank must have some amount of fuel in it. (Hopefully we can find a fix, as this is an incredibly annoying workaround for that bug)

 - Initial Release