

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Accurate data sharding, random distribution, and encryption service.

Key FeaturesHow To UseDeployTech StackLicenseLive


Key Features - المزايا

  • Simple, Modern, Easy-To-Use user interface
  • Original file is immediately deleted after sharding
  • Small and portable reference file that is easy to share
  • Password-locked assembly point
  • Files may only be assembled once for enhanced security
  • Shard somewhere, assemble anywhere
  • AES-256 Encryption

How To Use - طريقة الإستخدام

From your command line:

# Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/younes-alturkey/bitchunk.co.git

# Go into the frontend directory

cd bitchunk.co/frontend

# Install the dependencies

npm install

# Run the app

npm start

Note: the service is in its first version, so expect some bugs.

Deploy - نشر

sudo apt install docker.io
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo apt-get install ufw
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow 5000
sudo docker build -t backend .
docker run -d --name backend --restart always -p 5000:5000 backend

Tech Stack - التكنولوجيا المستخدمة

Backend - الخلفية

  • .NET Core 5 Web API with 5 Controllers
  • Entity Framework - Code First Approach
  • Microsoft SQL Database with 8 Tables

Frontend - الواجهة

  • React.js 17.0.2 with 10 Views

Deployment - السيرفرات

  • Backend hosted at Azure App Service S3 Plan
  • Database hosted at Azure SQL Database
  • Fronted hosted at Netlify free service

Wireframes - التصاميم


Google Lighthouse Report - إختبار الجودة من جوجل

Quality Check

Unit Tests - الإختبارات

Unit Tests Screenshot

License - الرخصة

Open Source License ➝ MIT

Developer - المطور

Younes Alturkey - يونس التركي

GitHub: @younes-alturkey  ·  Website: younesalturkey.sa  ·  LinkedIn: younes-alturkey