Cristinel Ababei January 2009, Fargo ND SUMMARY ======= This is a C++ implementation of CS2 min-cost-max-flow scaling algorithm. This is intended to be one of the cleanest and simplest to use minimum-cost max-flow (MCMF) implementation using C++. If you have a C++ application in which you need to use a MCMF algo, then this may be your most elegant bet. See main() function for an example of how to use it. I compiled it on Linux Fedora, using g++. If you have any question please contact Cristinel. CREDITS ======= This is an adapted (i.e., ported to C++) version of the faimous CS2 algo; CS2 is the second version of scaling algorithm for minimum-cost max-flow problems. For a detailed description of this famous algo, see: A.V. Goldberg, "An Efficient Implementation of a Scaling Minimum-Cost Flow Algorithm", Journal of Algorithms, vol. 22, pp. 1-29, 1997. CS2 was developed by Andrew Goldberg ( and Boris Cherkassky ( The original C version is located in cs2-4.3/ COPYRIGHT ========= The program is available on "as is" basis. It is not guaranteed to be free of bugs, and the author assumes no responsibility for any potential problems. The original copyright notice of the C version applies to this C++ version as well. ACADEMIA ======== If you use this C++ version in any research project and want to include references to it, then please use: [1] Cristinel Ababei, C++ Implementation of Goldberg's CS2 Scaling Minimum-Cost Flow Algorithm, 2009, [Online], Available: [2] A.V. Goldberg, An Efficient Implementation of a Scaling Minimum-Cost Flow Algorithm, Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 22, pp. 1-29, 1997. FINAL NOTE ========== If you'll ever hit it big (to be read: make a lot of money :-) ), and this code helped you in any way, then please consider donating some to support my research (I need it :-) ).
Minimum-cost maximum-flow. This is a "ported to C++" version of the famous scaling push-relabel CS2 mcmf algorithm of A.V. Goldberg [1]. This C++ implementation is developed from the original C code. [1] A.V. Goldberg, "An Efficient Implementation of a Scaling Minimum-Cost Flow Algorithm," J. Algorithms, vol. 22, pp. 1-29, 1997.