
Implementation of Rush Hour & Rush Hour solver using C

Primary LanguageC

Rush Hour

An implementation of the Rush Hour boardgame using C


I created an algorithm (coloring-algorithm) that solves basic Rush Hour puzzles. Simply, it keeps record of the previous states (colored shadows).
The most difficult problem when thinking of an algorithm was that it required backtracking conditionally. The car should be kept going in a single direction (to prevent overhead), but sometimes it required backtracking for another car to pass through.
After observing carefully, I realized backtracking was needed when another car passed by its previous path.
So I left car-colored-shadows of previous states of each car, and when another car passes by the colors are overwritten.


Execute the make file to create a runnable file

$ make
gcc -o src/rushhour.o -c src/rushhour.c -I./include
gcc -o rushhour src/rushhour.o

Run the created runnable file

$ ./rushhour


start: starts the game

  • requires the filepath for loading data
  • must be executed before any other option
  • some data file examples are in data/

right, left, down, up: controls the movement of the cars

  • requires the desired car's id

color: executes the solver algorithm


  • commands get_op_code (char *s)
    • returns the corresponding number (enum) for the command given as s
  • int load_game (char *filename)
    • having recieved the data file, loads the game according to the data
    • uses fopen, getline, strtok, atoi, strcmp
  • void display (void)
    • works simple & intuitively
    • prints ids of cars (+ when 0) from 0 to BOARD_SIZE of the 2D array
    • also prints ids of car colors (+ when -1) from 0 to BOARD_SIZE of the 2D array
  • int update_cells (void)
    • updates cells[] and colored_cells[] according to the data of cars[]
  • int move (int id, int op)
    • selects a car by its id: cars[id]
    • moves the selected car by the given command
  • void free_alloc (void)
    • frees allocated memory to cars
    • acts as a wrapper function for extendibility
  • int bfs_solver (void)
  • int dfs_solver (void)
    • TBC (To Be Coded)
  • int find_movable_car (void)
    • return a car id that has an available moving space
  • void color_adjacent_cells (int car_id, int y, int x)
    • when colors crossover, color adjacent row/column with newer color
    • if a car is in closer to the newer color than colors, don't overwrite
  • int color_cells (int car_id, int y, int x, commands dir)
    • colors cells and moves the car
    • also checks adjacent cells by calling, color_adjacent_cells()
  • int move_to_white (int car_id)
    • check both sides of a car's direction
    • if white (0) is found, call color_celss() toward it
    • if a different car id is found compare with the other sides result
  • int color_solver (void)
    • acts as the driver, calls coloring-algorithm-related functions
    • loops the process till game over or all options are exhausted