
Bake is a program supporting a small subset of the features of the standard Unix-based utility, make.

Primary LanguageC


Bake is a small program supporting a small subset of the features of the standard Unix-based utility make.
This is a forked repository from brucehow/bake.


Use the provided Makefile to compile the program which will create an executable Bake program.

make Bake


The program can be ran with optional parameters. There are 6 optional parameters which can be defined.

  • -C directoryname before opening and reading the specification file, bake is to change directory to the indicated directory.
  • -f filename instead of reading its specification from the default Bakefile or bakefile, bake reads its specification from the indicated file.
  • -i ignore the unsuccessful termination of actions; continue executing a target's actions even if any fail.
  • -n print (to stdout) each shell-command-sequence before it is to be executed, but do not actually execute the commands. Assume that each shell-command-sequence executes successfully. This option enables bake to simply report what it would do, without doing it.
  • -B consider all targets out-of-date. All targets so considered are always remade regardless of the status of their prerequisites.
  • -p after reading in the specification file, print its information (from bake's internal representation) to stdout with all variable expansions performed. Then simply exit with success. Only the targets, dependencies, and actions need be printed (though you may wish to also print the variables (names and values).
  • -s execute silently, do not print each shell-command-sequence before it is executed.

The max characters that can be accommodated in a line is 1024.

Example Usage

bake -in -f fileToBake -C ../bakedir