
Python library for Doozerd using Python's socket implementation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python client for Doozer. This is partly based on Jeff Lindsay's and Neuman Vong's progrium/pydoozer. gevent has been taken out.

Latest version

The latest is 0.1.5.


Install via pip:

$ pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/cloudControl/PyDoozerLib.git@0.1.5

Installation error with protobuf 2.4.1

There is a case when you try to install pydoozerlib via python setup.py install and run into following error:

Downloading http://protobuf.googlecode.com/files/protobuf-2.4.1.zip
Processing protobuf-2.4.1.zip
error: Couldn't find a setup script in /tmp/easy_install-riZxUs/protobuf-2.4.1.zip

Simply install protobuf via pip manually:

$ pip install protobuf

Then run python setup.py install again!

More information

Using the pip install git+ssh://... method doesn't seem to run into this issue.

For more information check following issue: Protobuf Issue #66


Using PyDoozerLib is dead simple.

Establish a connection to a running doozerd node:

from pydoozerlib import PyDoozerLib
client = PyDoozerLib(doozerd_host, doozerd_port)

Get the value at '/watch':

print client.get('/watch').value

Overwrite the given value at '/watch' with a new value:

client.set('/watch', 'Some random value to be set')

Delete a value:

rev = client.get('/watch').rev
client.delete('/watch', rev)

And disconnect:


Also refer to the examples/Example.py file for a thorough example.

Hacking on PyDoozerLib

Make sure to go through following points if you want to modify PyDoozerLib.

Creating protobuf stub

In the <project_root>/protobuf directory you will find a msg.proto file. First, install protobuf, e.g. on Mac:

$ brew install protobuf

Then, compile the proto file with protoc:

$ protoc --python_output=. msg.proto

This will create a msg_pb2.py which can then be used in your Python project.


  • tests
  • documentation

