Tap-Bid(Buy, Sell, and Trade)

📖 About the project

This is my second solo React-fullstack project. This website offers people a community to buy, sell, and trade items. Users cam upload products with pictures and select buy, sell, or trade category. The main Product page displays all products, click on the Detail button to see the full product information with the options of commenting on the post and emailing the product owner. Under My Profuct page, users are able to see products they have posted with the functions to edit, delete, or mark the posts as complete.
The LiveChat tab that offers three chatrooms under Buy, Sell, and Trade where users are able to connect and communicate with other users.

🛠️ Used Technologies

Ract, Express, nodeJS, Socket IO, Sequelize, AWS-s3

📋 Preview

👇 Main

Screen Shot 2020-11-21 at 10 51 40 AM

👇 Upload product

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👇 My product

Screen Shot 2020-11-21 at 10 52 34 AM

👇 Live Chat

Screen Shot 2020-11-21 at 10 53 39 AM


function App() {
  return (
            <Route component = {Login}  path="/" exact/>
            <Route component = {Register} path="/register" exact/>
            <Route component = {Main} path="/main" exact/>
            <Route component = {Chat} path="/chat" exact/>
            <Route component = {ProductDetail} path="/main/:productId" />
            <Route component = {AddProduct} path="/add-product" exact/>
            <Route component = {MyProduct} path="/My-product/:userID" exact/>


📔 License

This project is under MIT license. See the license for more information.