
  • The data was collected from Wharton Research Data Services(WRDS).
  • contains information for publicly traded companies in the United States.
      1. Quarterly financial statements
      1. Daily prices.


  • As a method of defining asset classes for asset allocation, we use k-means clustering.
  • After data preprocessing (e.g., removing outliers, scaling features), clustering was conducted and clusters are evaluated on Silhoueete analysis.
  • Finally, various asset classes defined in different ways were compared.
      1. k-means clustering with financial statements
      1. k-means clustering with style factors
      1. Style classification, a traditional method
  • The three methods above were compared based on the following criteria.
      1. Do they have distinct characteristics?
      • Distribution of financial features (e.g., scatter plot, boxplot)
      1. Do they move differently in the market?
      • Return correlations (intra-correlations and inter-correlations)
      • Return and risk characteristics


  • A key determinant of portfolio returns is asset allocation, which requires proper asset classification.
  • AI models allow you to classify assets in a different way than traditional methods.
  • K-means clustering is one of the simplest and popular unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
  • As a result of classifying stocks via clustering with financial properties, stocks are grouped differently from the existing method.