
Convert vue to script.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Vue to script.

Convert .vue file to .ts|js file in a treeshakable manner.


npm i -D v2s


npx v2s path/to/file

It will convert x.vue to x.render.ts|js, x.script.ts|js and x.ts|js corresponding to the lang attribute.


-r, --refactor

Refactor .vue import/export statement in .ts/.js files. (Only transformed .vue imports will be refactored.)

-d, --delete-source

Delete .vue source file.

Why it exists

If you have a vue library and want to build it in a treeshakable manner, you will always want to keep the original file structure.

For example:

- index.ts      index.js  + index.d.ts
- Button.vue => Button.js + Button.d.ts
- Input.vue     Input.js  + Input.d.ts

Currently I can think of some ways to do it.

  1. rollup + presereModules=true: not working, due to rollup-plugin-vue, the output is not treeshakable.
  2. tsc: not working, it doesn't work with .vue files.
  3. webpack: not working, can not keep the structure.

I want to use tsc to make build the library. So I need a tool to tranform all .vue files to .ts file and modify all the .vue import, export statements inside the library.