
A Flutter package that provides a simple wrapper for working with shared preferences. This package simplifies the process of storing and retrieving various data types, including strings, integers, doubles, booleans, lists, and maps in shared preferences.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

SharedPreferences Wrapper

A Flutter package that provides a simple wrapper for working with shared preferences. This package simplifies the process of storing and retrieving various data types, including strings, integers, doubles, booleans, lists, and maps in shared preferences.

Pub Version License


  • Store and retrieve data types like strings, integers, doubles, booleans, lists, and maps in shared preferences.
  • Set default values for string, bool, double, int data types.
  • Easily update values within a map stored in shared preferences.
  • Check for the existence of keys in shared preferences.
  • Remove specific keys or clear all data from shared preferences.
  • Retrieve all shared preferences as a map.
  • Check if shared preferences are empty.
  • Encrypt/Decrypt sensitive data stored in shared preferences.
  • Add or update multiple key-value pairs in a single batch operation.
  • Add or remove listeners for shared preference changes.
  • Organize preferences based on specific groups or categories.
  • Namespace Support: Implement namespaces for easier management of different sets of preferences.
  • A fluent API for chaining multiple operations in a more readable manner.

Supported Data Types

  • String
  • int
  • double
  • bool
  • String List
  • Map


To use this package, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  shared_preferences_wrapper: ^your_version_here


Here's how to use the SharedPreferencesWrapper to work with shared preferences:

Using single functions to set and retrieve data

import 'package:shared_preferences_wrapper/shared_preferences_wrapper.dart';

// set a string value
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.setValue('name', 'Yung');
// retrieving a value by key
final val = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getValue('name');
print(val); // output Yung

// setting different data types
// set an int value
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.setValue('qty', 10);
final qty = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getValue('qty');

// set a double value
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.setValue('amount', 4.5);
final amount = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getValue('amount');

// set a bool value
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.setValue('processed', true);
final processed = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getValue('processed');

// set a string list
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.setValue('items', ['item 1', 'item 2']);
final items = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getValue('items');

// set a map
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.setValue('user', {'name': 'Yung', 'lname': 'Cet'});
final user = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getValue('user');

Setting a default value in getValue()

You can specify a default value for when a key does not exist in shared preferences instead of returning null. This can be set for any of the supported data types above.

final name = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getValue('name', defaultValue: '');

Using specific functions based on data type

import 'package:shared_preferences_wrapper/shared_preferences_wrapper.dart';

// storing values
// note: refer to the methods section for methods that store other data types
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addString('key', 'value'); // storing strings
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addInt('int', 100);    // storing int
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addDouble('double', 10.0);   // storing double
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addBool('bool', true);   // storing bool
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addStringList('list', ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3']);   // storing lists
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addMap('map', {'key': 'value'});   // storing map

// Retrieve a string from shared preferences
// note: refer to the methods section for methods that store other data types
String? retrievedValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getString('key');
int? intValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getInt('int');
double? value = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getDouble('key');
bool? value = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getBool('key');
List<String> value = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getStringList('key');
Map<String, dynamic>? value = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getMap('key');

Setting default values

You can set default values that should be returned instead of null for string, int, bool, double data types.

// returns empty string instead of null
String? stringValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getString('myKey', defaultValue: '');

// returns 0 instead of null
int? intValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getInt('myKey', defaultValue: 0);

// returns 0.0 instead of null
double? doubleValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getDouble('myKey', defaultValue: 0.0);

// returns false instead of null
bool? boolValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getBool('myKey', defaultValue: false);

Using Namespaces

Implementing namespace support in the shared_preferences_wrapper package can help you organize and manage different sets of preferences more effectively. This is simmiliar to groups.

// create the namespace
final userPrefs = SharedPreferencesWrapper.createNamespace('user');

// set the value in the namespace, NOTICE that the value is set in userPrefs and not 'SharedPreferencesWrapper'
await userPrefs.setValue('name', 'John Doe'); // the value can be any of the supported data types

// get the value, NOTICE that the value is retrieved in userPrefs and not 'SharedPreferencesWrapper'
String? userName = await userPrefs.getValue('name');
print('name: $userName');

// to get clear the namespace
await userPrefs.clearNamespace();

// create another namespace
final appPrefs = SharedPreferencesWrapper.createNamespace('app');
await appPrefs.setValue('dark_mode', true);

bool? mode = await appPrefs.getValue('dark_mode');
print('mode: $mode');

Method Chaining

Implement a builder for chaining multiple operations in a more readable manner.

// create the builder and chain methods together
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getBuilder().then((builder) => {
      .addBool('is_logged_in', true)
      .addDouble('amount', 10.0)
      .addString('account', 'Prestige')
      .addInt('quantity', 100)
      .addMap('users', {'name': 'Yung','lname': 'Cet'})
      .addStringList('items', ['item 1', 'item 2'])

// to get the value above, you can use the specific method for the data type or getValue()
final is_logged_in =
          await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getValue('is_logged_in');
      print('is_logged_in: $is_logged_in');

Checking if a key exists

Checks if a key exists in shared preferences

bool? exists = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.keyExists('key');
if (exists){
  print('key exists');
  print('key does not exist');

Clearing all preferences

This clears all the stored shared preferences

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.clearAll();

Checking if shared preferences are empty

bool? isEmpty = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.isSharedPreferencesEmpty();
if (isEmpty){
  print('shared preferences are not empty');
  print('shared preferences are empty');

Removing a key

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.removeAtKey('key');

Retrieving all preferences stored

This returns all preferences stored

Map<String, dynamic> allPreferences = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getAllSharedPreferences();

Working with Maps

Storing a map

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addMap('mapKey', {
      'name': 'Yung',
      'age': 30,
      'isStudent': true,

Retrieving a map

Map<String, dynamic>? value = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getMap('mapKey');

Retrieve a value from the map on a specific key

dynamic value = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getMapKey('mapKey', 'name');
print('value'); // output: Yung

Updating a map

You can update an existing map by adding new items to it

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.updateMap('mapKey', {'surname': 'Cet'});

The updated map now looks like this

  'name': 'Yung',
  'age': 30,
  'isStudent': true,
  'surname': 'Cet'  // new item added

Updating a value inside a map with a specific key

You can update a value inside a map for a specific key

// this updates the age value to 40
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.updateMapKey('mapKey', 'age', 40);

Checking if a key inside a map exists

final value = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.mapContainsKey('mapKey', 'mapKeyToCheck');
if (value){
  print('key exists');
  print('key does not exist');

Removing a key inside a map

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.removeMapKey('mapKey', 'mapKeyToRemove');

Single Batch Operation

Add or update multiple key-value pairs in a single batch operation

// Adding multiple preferences at once
Map<String, dynamic> dataToAdd = {
  'key1': 'value1',
  'key2': 42,
  'key3': true,
  'key4': ['item1', 'item2'],
  'key5': {'nestedKey': 'nestedValue'},
  // Add more key-value pairs as needed

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addBatch(dataToAdd);

// access the batch data normally as you would, 
//take note of the data type stored to call the correct corresponding method
bool boolValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getBool('key3');
int intValue = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getInt('key2');

// Updating existing preferences in batch
Map<String, dynamic> dataToUpdate = {
  'key3': false,
  'key2': 100,
  // Update other keys as needed
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.updateBatch(dataToUpdate);

Working with Listeners

Listeners serve as the intermediaries that facilitate communication between different parts of a system, allowing components to react and respond to changes without direct coupling between them.

There are two ways to add listeners.

  1. Using addListener() method
// define a function to handle the preference change
void handleChangeListener() {
  print("Listener triggered!");

  void initState() {
    WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
      // Registering Listeners with callback function for when a shared preference changes
      SharedPreferencesWrapper.addListener('key', handleChangeListener);

You can also define a callback function inline as below, however, if you're planning on removing the listener at some point it is better to define a callback function as shown above to ensure that the function signatures are the same.

SharedPreferencesWrapper.addListener('key', () {
  print("Preference with key changed!");

Removing a listener from addListener()

// define a function to handle the preference change
void handleChangeListener() {
  print("Listener triggered!");

  void initState() {
    WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
      SharedPreferencesWrapper.removeListener('key', handleChangeListener);
  1. Using addObserver() method
// Function to observe changes
Function(String, dynamic) handleObserverChanges = (String key, dynamic newValue) {
  print("Observer triggered with data: key=$key value=$newValue");

  void initState() {
    WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
        // Add an observer
      SharedPreferencesWrapper.addObserver('observer', handleObserverChanges);

Removing listeners from addObserver()

SharedPreferencesWrapper.removeObserver('observer', handleObserverChanges);

Shared Preferences Wrapper Encryption

Shared preferences wrapper encryption allows encrypting and decrypting of sensetive data using a secret key. This can only be applied to String data types.

There are two types of encryption to choose from:

  • AES
  • Salsa20


This method of setting the encryption has been deprecated and is no longer supported. Please refer to the sections below this section for a new way of implementing encryption.

  • setEncryptionKey(String key): Sets an encryption key to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data stored in shared preferences. CURRENTLY ONLY STRINGS ARE SUPPORTED. This means that when the key is set, it will be applied to only String data types when adding and retrieving strings.
// set an encryption key, this has to be 16/24/32 character long
// NOTE: you must set the encryption key before storing strings in shared preferences
// This will apply to all string data types stored if the encryption key is set

// Once the key is set, whenever a string is stored in shared preferences the encryption is applied
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addString('key', 'value');

// To remove encryption, simply remove SharedPreferencesWrapperEncryption.setEncryptionKey('my16CharacterKey');

NOTE: Encryption can only be applied via the addString() and not setValue(). To get the decrypted value use getString() and not getValue().

AES Encryption

// import the encryption library
import 'package:shared_preferences_wrapper/shared_preferences_wrapper_encryption.dart';

// encrypt
String key = 'pin';
String value = '123456';
String secretKey16Char = 'my16CharacterKey';

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addString(key, value,
    AESEncryption( // encryption type
        encryptionKey: secretKey16Char, // the encryption key

// to get the decrypted value
String? mypin = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getString(key,
        aesDecryption: // decryption type
              encryptionKey: encryptionKey // the encryption key

print(mypin); // output 123456

Salsa20 Encryption

// import the encryption library
import 'package:shared_preferences_wrapper/shared_preferences_wrapper_encryption.dart';

// encrypt
String key = 'pin';
String value = '123456';
String secretKey16Char = 'my16CharacterKey';

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addString(key, value,
    Salsa20Encryption( // encryption type
        encryptionKey: secretKey16Char, // the encryption key

// to get the decrypted value
String? mypin = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getString(key,
        salsa20Decryption: // decryption type
              encryptionKey: encryptionKey // the encryption key

print(mypin); // output 123456

Grouping Preferences

Organize preferences based on specific groups or categories

// Add preferences to a specific group
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addToGroup('UserSettings', 'username', 'JohnDoe');
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addToGroup('UserSettings', 'email', 'john@example.com');

await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addToGroup('AppSettings', 'darkMode', true);
await SharedPreferencesWrapper.addToGroup('AppSettings', 'language', 'English');

// Retrieve preferences from a specific group
Map<String, dynamic>? userSettings = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getGroup('UserSettings');
Map<String, dynamic>? appSettings = await SharedPreferencesWrapper.getGroup('AppSettings');
print('userSettings: $userSettings');
print('appSettings: $appSettings');

Please refer to the example code provided in the package repository for more usage examples.


  • addString(String key, String value): Adds a string to shared preferences.
  • addInt(String key, int value): Adds an int to shared preferences.
  • addDouble(String key, double value): Adds a double to shared preferences.
  • addBool(String key, bool value): Adds a bool to shared preferences.
  • addStringList(String key, List myList): Adds a list of strings to shared preferences.
  • addMap(String key, Map<String, dynamic> value): Adds a map to shared preferences.
  • getString(String key): Gets a string from shared preferences.
  • getBool(String key): Gets a bool from shared preferences.
  • getInt(String key): Gets an int from shared preferences.
  • getDouble(String key): Gets a double from shared preferences.
  • getStringList(String key): Gets a list of strings from shared preferences.
  • getMap(String key): Gets a map from shared preferences.
  • getMapKey(String key, String mapKey): Gets a key-value pair from a map in shared preferences.
  • updateMapKey(String key, String mapKey, dynamic value): Updates a key-value pair in a map in shared preferences.
  • updateMap(String key, Map<String, dynamic> newMap): Updates a map in shared preferences.
  • mapContainsKey(String key, String mapKey): Checks if a key exists in a map in shared preferences.
  • removeMapKey(String key, String mapKey): Removes a key-value pair from a map in shared preferences.
  • keyExists(String key): Checks if a key exists in shared preferences.
  • removeAtKey(String key): Removes a key from shared preferences.
  • clearAll(): Clears all shared preferences.
  • getAllSharedPreferences(): Gets all shared preferences.
  • isSharedPreferencesEmpty(): Checks if shared preferences is empty.
  • addListener(String key, void Function() listener): Adds listeners for shared preference changes.
  • removeListener(String key, VoidCallback listener): Removes listeners for shared preference changes.
  • addObserver(String key, Function(String, dynamic) callback): Add observers for shared preference changes.
  • removeObserver(String key, Function(String, dynamic) callback): Remove observers for shared preference changes.
  • addBatch(Map<String, dynamic> data): Add multiple key-value pairs in a single batch operation.
  • updateBatch(Map<String, dynamic> data): Update multiple key-value pairs in a single batch.
  • addToGroup(String groupName, String key, dynamic value) Organize preferences based on specific groups or categories.
  • getGroup(String groupName) Get preferences based on specific groups or categories.
  • setValue(String key, dynamic value) Sets a value in SharedPreferences.
  • getValue(String key, {dynamic defaultValue}) Retrieves a value from SharedPreferences.
  • getBuilder() Chains methods together.
  • createNamespace(String namespace) Create a namespace.
  • clearNamespace() Clears the namespace.
  • removeWhereKeyStartsWith(String keyPrefix) Removes preferences where key starts with the given prefix.


If you have ideas or improvements for this package, we welcome contributions. Please open an issue or create a pull request on our GitHub repository.


This package is available under the MIT License.