
Terraform S3 backend with state locking.

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform S3 backend with state locking


This module works with Terraform Versions < 0.11.15


Variable Type Purpose
backend_dynamodb_lock_table string Name of dynamoDB table to use for state locking
backend_s3_bucket string Name of bucket housing terraform state files
create_dynamodb_lock_table boolean { default = fase } create dynamodb table for state locking ? # Setting true will cause table to be created.
create_s3_bucket boolean { default = fase } create s3 bucket ? # Setting true will cause bucket to be created.
s3_key string name of key where state is kept. (ie "dev/tf.state", or "prod/tf.state", "dev/data-tier/tf.state", etc..)


** Note: Assumes AWS credentials are in effect (either configured or in ENV )

FIRST Include in main.tf:

module s3_backend {
    source = "youngfeldt/backend-s3/aws"  
    version = ">= 1.0.0"
    backend_s3_bucket           = "${var.s3_bucket_name}"  
    backend_dynamodb_lock_table = "${var.dynamodb_state_table_name}"  
    create_dynamodb_lock_table  = < true | false >
    create_s3_bucket            = < true | false >
    s3_key                      = "${project_name}"/${statefile_name}"  

Example: with hardcoded values

module s3_backend {
	source  = "youngfeldt/backend-s3/aws"
	version = ">= 1.0.0"
	backend_s3_bucket           = "my-uniq-terrraform-state-bucket-name"
	backend_dynamodb_lock_table = "backend_tf_lock"
    create_dynamodb_lock_table  = false
	create_s3_bucket            = false
	s3_key                      = "dev/frontend"


Command Comment
terraform init Initialize and get modules
terraform plan As usual..
terraform apply -auto-approve -auto-approve to avoid prompt about creating resources
terraform init -force-copy Transition state to backend use flag -force-copy to avoid prompt to copy existing local state to backend.

To revert to local terraform state:

  1. Comment out the backend module
  2. Run terraform init
  3. Answer "yes" to copying state back from S3.


  • Implement option for bucket encryption