- 0
#54 opened by hellojin666 - 1
cannot compile
#53 opened by WallXiaoming - 0
Unable to compile (DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1)
#52 opened by Aaru911 - 4
"No Response" with iOS 14 devices
#51 opened by yujinakayama - 9
Float values for certain characteristics
#17 opened by TAKeanice - 0
Storing email in NVS
#50 opened by AbdeenM - 10
NVS: Nothing saved. key:xxxxxxxxxxxx
#44 opened by baaskaas - 1
Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
#41 opened by DietmarHoch - 3
Not Compiling
#45 opened by ericklil - 2
Failed to compile
#47 opened by Benji1992-HU - 1
Program aborts and reboots soon after startup
#46 opened by ruddy17 - 31
- 5
#42 opened by ruslanhirychau - 0
- 2
Setup Code In Documentation Is Incorrect
#32 opened by JonathanFStewart - 1
Smart Config for wifi settings.
#39 opened by pratikparmar24292 - 6
iOS 12 beta signature failed
#30 opened by CMGeorge - 0
using BLE as tranmission layer
#36 opened by fanlessfan - 0
How to add devices of the bridge?
#35 opened by simonlou99 - 0
did anyone test this out?
#34 opened by jukorp - 0
arduino "port" planned?
#33 opened by zackdvd - 0
Thermostat accessory can't be adde.
#31 opened by CMGeorge - 1
How to add more gpio?
#28 opened by pratikparmar24292 - 0
Add pwm dimmer?
#29 opened by jukorp - 3
Maximkulkin or younghyunjo
#25 opened by jukorp - 1
An example of a thermostat?
#27 opened by Kristian8606 - 7
How to distinguish different types of rooms
#26 opened by simonlou99 - 4
Never free
#23 opened by DigitalStealth - 3
Button push for switch
#22 opened by givanildo - 1
Memory leak
#24 opened by DigitalStealth - 4
- 1
BLE Plans?
#21 opened by stevemac00 - 6
SparkFun ESP32 Thing
#20 opened by yene - 3
Identify button does not show up
#19 opened by yene - 3
Enhance stability
#13 opened by younghyunjo - 1
Issue with SK6812 led library
#16 opened by TAKeanice - 11
Hang-up while pairing
#10 opened by younghyunjo - 3
temperature sensor ?
#12 opened by Kristian8606 - 3
Compilation error
#11 opened by Laxiyan - 5
Make error
#7 opened by ysdndev - 2
Change license to Apache license v2
#4 opened by MalteJ - 1
Adding an example?
#5 opened by jukorp - 2
How to build ?
#1 opened by Maxmudjon - 3
help: LD error
#3 opened by evanlyu