
A cross-platform program executor for online judge

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Deer Executor

A program executor for online judge written by golang.

English | 简体中文

✨ Features

FOSSA Status

  • Most languages supported.
  • You can build and run it standalone.
  • Support Linux and Darwin(MacOS), maybe Windows in the future.

📦 Get && Install

go get github.com/LanceLRQ/deer-executor

Environment: Go 1.11+ is best!

🔨 Usage

import (

// Create a compiler provider
compiler := new(deer_compile.GnucCompileProvider)
compiler.Init("#include<stdio.h>\nint main(){ return 0; }", "/tmp")    // The second argument means the work directory.

// Do compile
success, ceinfo := compiler.Compile()
if !success {
    fmt.Println("Compile Error: " + ceinfo)

// Get compile result
cmds := compiler.GetRunArgs()

judgeOptions := deer_executor.JudgeOption {

    // Executable program commands
    // Commands:      []string{ "/tmp/a.out", "-a", "123" },      // It means: /tmp/a.out -a 123
    Commands:      cmds, 
    // Resource Limitation
    TimeLimit:     1000,                     // Maximum time limit (ms)
    MemoryLimit:   32768,                    // Maximum memory limit (Kbytes)
    FileSizeLimit: 100 * 1024 * 1024,        // Maximum file size output limit (Kbytes)
    // Test Cases
    TestCaseIn:    "/data/1.in",             // TestCase-In file path
    TestCaseOut:   "/data/1.out",            // TestCase-Out file path
    ProgramOut:    "/tmp/user.out",          // Program's stdout file path
    ProgramError:  "/tmp/user.err",          // Program's stderr file path
    // Special Judge
    SpecialJudge struct {
        Mode int                    // Mode
        Checker string				// Checker file path
        RedirectStd bool 			// Redirect target program's Stdout to checker's Stdin (only for checker mode)
        TimeLimit int				// Time limit (ms)
        MemoryLimit int				// Memory limit (kb)
        Stdout string				// checker's stdout
        Stderr string				// checker's stderr
    // Other
    Uid:    -1,                              // Linux user id (optional)

judgeResult, err := deer_executor.Judge(judgeOptions)

judgeResult define like this:

type JudgeResult struct {
	JudgeResult int 			// Judge result flag number
	TimeUsed int				// Maximum time used (ms)
	MemoryUsed int				// Maximum memory used  (Kbytes)
	ReSignum int				// Runtime error signal number
	SameLines int				// Same Lines when WA
	TotalLines int				// Total Lines when WA
	SeInfo string				// SeInfo When System Error
	CeInfo string				// CeInfo When CeInfo

💡 Special Judge

Special Judge supported two modes:

  • Checker Mode
  • Interactive Mode

Checker Mode Deer-executor will run the target program first. When it finished without any error, deer-executor will call the special judge checker. The checker should check up the target program's answer text, and exit with a code to tell deer-executor finally result.

The special judge checker's arguments is:

./checker [1] [2] [3]

[1]: TestCase-In File; [2]: TestCases-Out File; [3]: Answer File

Interactive Mode Deer-executor will run the target program and special judge checker at the same time, redirect checker's stdout to programs's stdin and checker's stdin from program's stdout. Deer-executor will use checker's exit-code as the result. The special judge checker's arguments is:

./checker [1] [2] [3]

[1]: TestCase-In File; [2]: TestCases-Out File; [3] Run-result File

Run-result: Maybe you can output your communication with program, it can be the special judge checker's logs.

Exit Code

Special judge checker report the judge result with it's exit code. like this (checker.c):

#define RESULT_AC 0
#define RESULT_PE 1
#define RESULT_WA 4
#define RESULT_OLE 6

int main(int argc,char **argv) {
    // Do anything you want.
    return RESULT_AC;


Special judge checker sometimes not only a checker, but also a processor program. You can use the checker to process the target program's output, e.p keep two decimal for type double and so on. After that you can return REQUIRE_DEFAULT_CHECKER for calling the default text-diff checker supported from deer-executor.

🧬 Compile

To compile code, deer-executor supported:

GCC、GNU C++、Java、Python2、Python3、Golang、NodeJS、PHP、Ruby

Sure, you can add any compiler you like. Deer make an interface CodeCompileProviderInterface

type CodeCompileProviderInterface interface {

    // Initial the provider, set code content and work directory.
    Init(code string, workDir string) error
    // Compile the code. it must be run after Init() called.
    Compile() (result bool, errmsg string)
    // Get compiled program's file path and run arguments.
    GetRunArgs() (args []string)

    // If your compiler is a real-time compiler, like python.
    // It should't compile first, and will output compile error when running.
    // So you can use it to check if VM output a compile error
    IsCompileError(remsg string) bool
    // Is it a realtime compiler?
    IsRealTime() bool
    // Is code compiled?
    IsReady() bool

     ** Private Methods

    // Write code content to file before compile.
    initFiles(codeExt string, programExt string) error
	// Call the system shell
	shell(commands string) (success bool, errout string)
	// Save your code content to file
	saveCode() error
	// Check if work dir exists
	checkWorkDir() error

type CodeCompileProvider struct {
	codeContent string		        // Code content
	realTime bool			        // Is it a realtime compiler?
	isReady bool			        // Is code compiled?
	codeFileName string             // Target code file name
	codeFilePath string			    // Target code file  path
	programFileName string          // Target program file name
	programFilePath string		    // Target program file path
	workDir string			        // Work Directory

🤝 Thanks!

First, I'm really appreciate to the author of Loco's runner.

Then, my classmates Wolf Zheng and Tosh Qiu propose the interactive judge and describe how it works.

Finally,thanks to my alma mater Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai), BNUZ IT college, ACM association and WeJudge team

🔗 Links

📃 My blog:https://www.lanrongqi.com

🖥️ WeJudge:



WeJudge 1.0 Open Source

We welcome all contributions. You can submit any ideas as pull requests or as GitHub issues. have a good time! :)


FOSSA Status