Initial stages. Stay tuned.
MERN stack, single page app. Really just a big sandbox for me to play around in because I'm addicted to JavaScript and there's nothing you can do about it.
- Node
- MongoDB (hosted on mLab)
- mongoose
- express
- body-parser
- passport
- passport-jwt
- jsonwebtoken
- bcrypt
- validator (string validation)
- React (bootstrapped with create-react-app)
- redux
- axios
- react-idle-timer (auto logout)
- react-router-dom
- redux-thunk
- jwt-decode
- CSS Modules (SCSS)
- node-sass
- Font Awesome
Dev, etc
- nodemon
- concurrently
- JSON Web Tokens (Bearer)
- RESTful implementations
If a non-member or logged-out user is trying to access a protected route, we'll <Redirect />
to the login page, and send the attempted path and a message along with it.
// route_util.js
const Protected = ({ component: Component, path, loggedIn, exact }) => (
<Route path={path} exact={exact} render={(props) => (
loggedIn ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to={handleRedirect(props.location.pathname)} />
)} />
const handleRedirect = nextPath => ({
pathname: "/login",
state: { // send message and attmepted path with redirect
message: "* You must be logged in to do that. Please sign in.",
Inside rendering the login form, check this.props.location.state
for a redirect object. If state was recieved, render the message. Once the user logs in, redirect to the original path.
// login_form.js
class LoginForm extends Component {
// ...
render() {
const { loggedIn, location: { state } } = this.props;
// Once logged in, redirect to original path.
// Redirect to /home if state was not receieved.
if (loggedIn) {
const nextPath = !state ? "/home" : state.nextPath;
return <Redirect to={nextPath} />;
// render message if redirected
const Redirected = () => {
const { state } = this.props.location;
return !state ? null : <h3>{state.message}</h3>;
return (
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<Redirected />
placeholder="Email" />
// ...
Check for valid input at any on change event. Wait for visitor to stop typing, then query db for existing username.
class RegisterForm extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
user: {
// ...
checkingName: false
validInput: true,
// timeout is initially set to null
this.typingTimeout = null;
handleUpdate(field) {
return e => {
// clear timeout if currently being executed
if (this.typingTimeout) clearTimeout(this.typingTimeout);
// determine valid string
const value = e.currentTarget.value.toLowerCase();
const validInput = /^[a-z0-9_]*$/.test(value);
const checkingName = (validInput && value.length > 3);
// update state, then handleUsername
user: { ...this.state.user, [field]: value },
}, this.handleUsername)
handleUsername() {
// if valid input, fire a query after 500ms of inactivity
if (this.state.checkingName && this.state.validInput) {
this.typingTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
// checkUsername will dispatch the result to the store,
// then mapped to props as "validUsername"
.then(() => this.setState({ checkingName: false }));
// update state to remove loading spinner and reflect results
}, 500);
// ...