
freechat for everyone

Primary LanguageCSS


Free Chat is a cross-platform socket chat application, which uses ezyfox-server and it's client SDKs

Official site: https://youngmonkeys.org/freechat/


  • ReactJS
  • Android Java
  • Android Kotlin (developing)
  • iOS swift (developing)


ReactJS build

  1. Clone source code
  2. Move to reactjs folder
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm start

Android build

Required environment:

- Android studio: 3.5
- Gradle: 3.5.0 or 5.4.1
- Android sdk: 26
  1. Clone source code
  2. Run git submodule update --init --recursive to clone submodules
  3. Import project to Android studio
  4. Build and done

Flutter build

Required environment:

- Visual Studio Code 1.85
- Flutter SDK
  1. Follow instruction for EzyFox Flutter Client SDK - https://youngmonkeys.org/ezyfox-server/guides/ezyfox-flutter-client-sdk
  2. Place 3 files (chat.dart, socket_proxy.dart, main.dart) from flutter_client directory to your project
  3. File main.dart is register/login page you can ommit and navigate directly to chat.dart passing username and password from your auth screen.
  4. Build and done

iOS build

  1. Clone source code
  2. Run git submodule update --init --recursive to clone submodules
  3. Open project on XCode
  4. Build and run

Server-side build and run

  1. Install mongodb (Tutorial)
  2. Create freechat db in mongodb (Tutorial)
  3. Create root user using mongo shell:
	use freechat
	     roles:[ { role: "readWrite", db: "freechat" }]

Update server/freechat-plugin/config/config.properties file to use another password

  1. Clone source code
  2. Import server folder into an IDE (Eclipse, Intellij, Netbean)
  3. Run file FreechatStartup

The server opens a websocket at ws://localhost:2208/ws


  1. Use embedded ezyfox-server
  2. Use ES6 client sdk
  3. User to ezydata-mongodb


Apache License, Version 2.0