
Gevulot is an internet scale compute network for zero-knowledge proof generation and verification.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Gevulot is a permissionless and programmable layer one blockchain for deploying zero-knowledge provers and verifiers as on-chain programs. It allows users to deploy and use entire proof systems on-chain, with minimal computational overhead as compared to single prover architectures. The vision of Gevulot is to make the creation and operation of zk-based systems, such as validity rollups, as easy as deploying smart contracts.

For a more in-depth look at the network design see our docs.

The current status of the project is pre-alpha.

Gevulot Node

Gevulot node is written in Rust and packaged into a container. It uses QEMU-KVM as its hypervisor to run unikernel programs.

Building container

To build Gevulot node container image:

podman build -t gevulot-node .

Running the node

In order to run the node, refer installation guide.


For development you need following dependencies (package names for Fedora):

  • openssl-devel
  • protobuf
  • protobuf-c
  • protobuf-compiler
  • protobuf-devel


Local postgres container under systemd

Local development postgres can be run e.g. as a user's quadlet systemd unit:







sqlx-cli can be run from crates/node directory as follows:

  • Create database:
    • cargo sqlx database create --database-url postgres://gevulot:gevulot@localhost/gevulot
  • Run DB migrations:
    • cargo sqlx migrate run --database-url postgres://gevulot:gevulot@localhost/gevulot
Refresh SQLX cache
  • cargo sqlx prepare --database-url postgres://gevulot:gevulot@localhost/gevulot


This library is licensed under either of the following licenses, at your discretion.

Apache License Version 2.0

MIT License

Any contribution that you submit to this library shall be dual licensed as above (as defined in the Apache v2 License), without any additional terms or conditions.