
Command line utility that interacts with plugged in iOS devices. Uses Apple's MobileDevice framework

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Mobile Device Improved: Command line utility that interacts with plugged in iOS devices. Uses Apple's MobileDevice framework

This information was extracted out using the help of these LLDB scripts found here. If you want to learn how to create these scripts or have a better understanding how one can reverse engineer a compiled binary, check out Advanced Apple Debugging and Reverse Engineering


  1. clone
  2. build project
  3. Upon build success, mobdevim will be placed in /usr/local/bin

Make sure you have permissions to write to /usr/local/bin or else the Xcode build script will fail

Alternatively, a precompiled version is available here.


        -f	Get device info

  	-d	Debug application
          		mobdevim -d /application/bundle/on/mac/ Debugs application (must install app first)

  	-g	Get device logs/issues
          		mobdevim -g com.example.name Get issues for com.example.name app
          		mobdevim -g 3 Get the 3rd most recent issue
          		mobdevim -g __all Get all the logs

  	-y	Yoink sandbox content
          		mobdevim -y com.example.test Yoink contacts from app

  	-s	Send content to device (use content from yoink command)
          		mobdevim -s com.example.test /tmp/com.example.test Send contents in /tmp/com.example.test to app

  	-i	Install application, expects path to bundle
          		mobdevim -i /path/to/app/bundle Install app

  	-u	Uninstall application, expects bundleIdentifier
          		mobdevim -u com.example.test Uninstall app

  	-c	Dump out the console information. Use ctrl-c to terminate

  	-C	Get developer certificates on device

  	-p	Display developer provisioning profile info
            		mobdevim -p List all installed provisioning profiles
            		mobdevim -p b68410a1-d825-4b7c-8e5d-0f76a9bde6b9 Get detailed provisioning UUID info

  	-l	List app information
        		mobdevim -l List all apps
        		mobdevim -l com.example.test Get detailed information about app, com.example.test
        		mobdevim -l com.example.test Entitlements List "Entitlements" key from com.example.test

  	-R	Use color

  	-q	Quiet mode, ideal for limiting output or checking if a value exists based upon return status

  Environment variables:
	DSCOLOR - Use color (same as -R)

  	DSDEBUG - verbose debugging

  	DSPLIST - Display output in plist form (mobdevim -l com.test.example)

  	OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE - Combine w/ DSDEBUG to enable MobileDevice logging

mobdevim example

More commands will be coming soon...