Simple Sample Django4 Docker Project Starter

The goal of this repo is to create an Django4.x/Postgres docker environment without you having to create a local python virtual environment. The virtual environment will be created in the image and the running container from the image.

This repo assumes you have Docker installed and can issue docker and docker-compose commands from a terminal window.

To add new Python dependencies, update the file, and rebuild the image.


This docker image uses pip-tools to manage dependencies. By placing the dependent module name with an optional version in the file, the module and its dependencies will be installed into the Python virtual environment of the container.


  • clone this repo and in terminal window run:
git clone <projectdirname>
  • Open docker-compose.yml and change the container_name fields to be something relevant to the project

  • Open Makefile and at the top, update the container names to match

  • Open Makefile and at the top replace, WEB_SERVICE_NAME and DB_SERVICE_NAME with the service name you select

  • Open .env.django and update the database name, and database service name

Run the make target build.

Note that this will NOT run an initial migration because we want to create a custom User model BEFORE we run the initial migration.

make build


Open your favorite DB tool and create the database


You can now create a PyCharm project and set the Python Interpreter to the docker-compose.yml files selecting 'django-web' as the service

This will keep you from having to create a local venv just to install Django and call startproject.

from environs import Env # new
env = Env() # new

env.read_env() # new

DEBUG = env.bool("DEBUG")

# 'DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS' should be a single string of hosts with a space between each.
# For example: 'DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost [::1]'

"default": env.dj_db_url("DATABASE_URL", default=env("DATABASE_URL"))

Start the Containers

make run

You can open a browser and go to:


and you should see the familiar Django start page.

Custom User

The custom user should already be in the accounts application. Look there to add fields

See accounts_starter_files directory for what the simple CustomUser model looks like.

As an example,

# accounts/
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
# Create your models here.

class CustomUser(AbstractUser):
# django_project/

    # Local

# at the bottom of the file
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "accounts.CustomUser"
  • Make migrations
make migrations appname=accounts
  • Run migrations
make migrate
  • Create Superuser
make superuser