
OpenFaaS in your local environment.

Primary LanguageRuby


OpenFaaS in your local environment.


  • Virtualbox - A a free and open-source hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization.
  • Vagrant - A tool for building and distributing development environments.
  • faas-cli - Official CLI for OpenFaaS.


The Vagrantfile will create a virtual machine running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) in Virtualbox. It will install OpenFaaS using the faasd provider for a single node.


Run the following command to deploy openfaas:

$ vagrant up

You will be prompted with a message asking to select a Docker container registry (optional):

Choose a Container Registry Server:
1) Docker (docker.io)
2) GitHub (ghcr.io)
3) Quay   (quay.io)
4) Other registry # <- provide your own url
5) Skip # <- skip if you want to keep your docker images locally
0) Quit # <- exit the script, you will have to destroy the VM afterwards
Enter selection [0-5]: 

If you haven't selected Skip or Quit, you will be asked for your credentials:

Virtual machine needs your credentials for the container registry ghcr.io
Username: dysonfrost

When the VM is ready, vagrant will display some information:

### Vagrant Box provisioned! ###
Local OpenFaas is ready

 * OpenFaaS -

OpenFaaS credentials:
 * username: admin
 * password: <generated_password>

Login with faas-cli:
 $ export OPENFAAS_URL= # From Host
 $ faas-cli login -u admin --password <generated_password>


If somehow you need to retrieve your generated password:

$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@openfaas:~$ sudo cat /var/lib/faasd/secrets/basic-auth-password


OpenFaas can be accessed from both the host and the guest VM, once logged in (see information above) you can build a new function.

List templates from store

$ faas-cli template store ls

Pull templates from store

# faas-cli template store pull <template>
$ faas-cli template store pull dockerfile

Download templates from specified git repo

$ faas-cli template pull <repository_url>

Create a new function

# faas-cli new <function> --lang=<template>
$ faas-cli new hello-world --lang=dockerfile

Checkout the YAML file

version: 1.0
  name: openfaas
    lang: dockerfile
    handler: ./hello-world
    image: hello-world:latest
  • gateway - URL of the gateway (set to localhost if running from VM guest)
  • lang - Template associated with the function
  • handler - The folder / path to your handler / Dockerfile and any other source code you need
  • image - The Docker image name. If you are going to push to a container registry change the prefix of your image - i.e. ghcr.io/dysonfrost/hello-world:latest

Build a function

# faas-cli build -f <function>.yml
$ faas-cli build -f hello-world.yml

Skip the following steps if you do not intend to use a remote registery to invoke a function.

Push a function

# faas-cli push -f <function>.yml
$ faas-cli push -f hello-world.yml

Deploy a function

# faas-cli deploy -f <function>.yml
$ faas-cli deploy -f hello-world.yml

Build, push and deploy a function

# faas-cli up -f <function>.yml
$ faas-cli up -f hello-world.yml

Invoke a function

# faas-cli invoke <function>
$ faas-cli invoke hello-world

# Using cURL

Invoke a function with some data

# echo "<some-data>" | faas-cli invoke <function>
$ echo "Hi there!" | faas-cli invoke hello-world

# Using cURL
curl -d "Hi there!"


A user interface is available at
You can Deploy and Invoke new functions from there.


To delete the virtual machine, run the following command:

$ vagrant destroy -f
