
object-oriented programming with PHP & MySQL.

Primary LanguagePHP

Object-Oriented Programming with PHP & MySQL.

1.0 Overview
2.0 Program output

3.0 Database table structure
3.1 Create a database
3.2 Create products table
3.3 Insert products sample data
3.4 Create categories table
3.5 Insert categories sample data
3.6 Output

4.0 Create the layout files
4.1 Create header layout file
4.2 Create footer layout file
4.3 Create custom CSS file
4.4 Output

5.0 Creating record in PHP the OOP way
5.1 Create create_product.php file
5.2 Create "Read Products" button
5.3 Get a database connection
5.4 Create the database class
5.5 Create an HTML form
5.6 Show categories drop down
5.7 Create "categories" object
5.8 Add readName() method
5.9 Code when the form was submitted
5.10 Create "products" object
5.11 Output

6.0 Reading and paging record in PHP the OOP way
6.1 Create index.php file
6.2 Add "Create Product" button
6.3 Configure pagination variables
6.4 Retrieve records from the database
6.5 Add readAll() method
6.6 Display data from the database
6.7 Add action buttons
6.8 Create paging.php file
6.9 Add countAll() method
6.10 Include paging.php file
6.11 Output

7.0 Updating record in PHP the OOP way
7.1 Create update_product.php file
7.2 Create "Read Products" button
7.3 Read one record
7.4 Add readOne() method
7.5 Put form values
7.6 Show categories dropdown
7.7 Code when form was submitted
7.8 Add update() method
7.9 Output

8.0 Read One Record in PHP the OOP way
8.1 Create read_one.php file
8.2 Read one record
8.3 Display record on HTML table
8.4 Output

9.0 Deleting record in PHP the OOP way
9.1 Put this JavaScript code in layout_footer.php
9.2 Create delete_product.php
9.3 Add delete() method
9.4 Output

10.0 Search records in PHP the OOP way
10.1 Change index.php code
10.2 Create read_template.php file
10.3 Create core.php file
10.4 Change paging.php code
10.5 Include core.php and read_template.php
10.6 Create search.php file
10.7 Add search() and countAll_BySearch() methods
10.8 Output

11.0 File upload in PHP the OOP way
11.1 Change HTML form
11.2 Set value of "image" field
11.3 Change create() method
11.4 Call uploadPhoto() method
11.5 Add uploadPhoto() method
11.6 Validate submitted file
11.7 Return error messages
11.8 Show uploaded image file
11.9 Output