
Multi-Label Classification and Class Activation Map on Fashion MNIST

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Multi-Label Classification and Class Activation Map on Fashion-MNIST

This is an updated version of below repo.

  1. changed the python file to jupyter notebook format.
  2. explored the layers activation

This repository covers the code for the blog.

Code: There are two files in this task: fashion_plot.py and fashion_read.py

  • fashion_plot.py ~ create the new datasets and their metadata files (usage: 1. create two folders "train" and "test", 2. run python fashion_plot.py under the "train" folder which will create all the image files and the metadata file called "labels.csv", 3. run python fashion_ploy.py under the "test" folder which will create all the image files and the metadata file called "labels.csv";)
  • fashion_read.py ~ implement multi-label classification and class activation map, i.e., read "train/labels.csv" to train and read "test/labels.csv" to test (usage: python fashion_read.py)


  • Python 2.7.11
  • Keras 2.1.6
  • Theano 0.9.0
  • Pandas 0.18.1
  • Numpy 1.14.3
  • Matplotlib 1.5.1
  • Opencv-python


  • labels.csv is presented for reference only. It is better to run fashion_plot.py and create your own dataset and metadata.


  • My Win10 12G RAM notebook (with no GPU) has two software environments: Python 2.7.11/Keras 2.1.6/Theano 0.9.0 and Python 3.6.3/Keras 2.0.8/Tensorflow 1.4.0. The programs (with some ugly compromises) running under the former one mainly due to the memory issue. Further, it takes about 1 or 2 days to complete training on my notebook.
  • Using a global average polling layer to implement class activation maps might not be the best solution in this case. Probably, Grad-CAM might achieve better results.