A Cytoscape app to connect to a Neo4j database and execute extensions of the Neo4j database. This app has been extended to query the shortest path for metabolic conversions.
Neo4j 3.5.x (requires Java 8 but can run with Java 11 as well) Cytoscape 3.9.x (automatically comes with a Java 11 download) Java 11 (Eclipse) Compiling the script The setup of this project in Eclipse has been tested with:
Eclipse IDE 2022-06 (Java and Web developers), OS Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS), JRE JavaSE-11. Find the app in the Cytoscape app store (http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/cyneo4j) and on Github (https://github.com/cyneo4j/cyNeo4j).
For a tutorial and installation guide for the server side component checkout https://cyneo4j.github.io/DSMN/ !
License:{{Replace by license title}}
Dependencies:{{Replace by needed dependencies}}
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Available platform:{{Replace by needed dependencies}}
Interface CLI:{{Replace by yes or no}}
Interface GUI:{{Replace by yes or no}}
Interface web platform:{{Replace by yes or no}}
Input format:{{Replace by usable input formats (eg. "text, dataset")}}
Output format:{{Replace by given output formats (eg. "text, graph")}}
Source code:{{Replace by link to the source code}}
Documentation link:{{Replace by link to documentation}}
Installation instructions:{{Replace by instalation instructions}}
Zenodo link:{{Replace by Zenodo link}}
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