
Admin for YouPin officer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Admin For YouPin

YouPin (ยุพิน)

This is admin application for YouPin open reporting platform.

Run normally

Once started, it restarts automatically on changes in src/lib/*.

$ npm install
$ npm start

# Server now listens on default port 8080

Run with Docker

Or even better, use docker and leave no traces on your machine.

$ docker-compose up

To make development easier, we made some files and directories live-reloading. This can be configured in docker-compose.yml under web.volumes.


Please note that ./node_modules/ directory cannot be live-reloading. This is because some dependencies are OS-specific binaries (e.g. node-sass). If environment on host machine and Docker are different, these binaries cannot be shared (e.g. darwin vs linux). So when you updated dependencies in package.json via npm install, you need to rebuild docker container by:

$ docker-compose build

To inspect current state of Docker machine, you can do:

# Show current directory
$ docker-compose run --rm web pwd

# Display node version
$ docker-compose run --rm web node -v


Run watch to rebuild assets on changes in src/assets/*.

$ npm run watch

Test, lint and build before commit.

$ npm run build


For linting to work on text editor, you may need to install eslint globally:

$ npm install eslint -g


Install the following packages to aid linting:

Sublime Text 3

Install the following packages to aid linting:

  • SublimeLinter
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint



  • Initial release


Copyright (c) 2016

Licensed under the MIT license.