
UPDATE:2019.4.12 10.43

The main work of this project is:

  1. Crawl the list of top-ranked websites in the world and the country on alexa and the list of recent phishing websites on
  2. Crawl the DNS, whois and SSL information of the website in 1
  3. Train the second classification model of a legitimate website and phishing website with the information in 1, 2
  4. Use the model in 3 to determine if the unknown website is a phishing website.


  1. 爬取alexa上全世界和全国排名靠前的网站URL列表和 上近期的钓鱼网站URL列表
  2. 爬取1中网站的DNS、whois和SSL信息
  3. 以1,2中的信息训练一个合法网站和钓鱼网站的二分类模型
  4. 使用3中的模型判断未知网站是否为钓鱼网站