
tortura 2.0

Primary LanguageC

compiladores 2021/22

Ana Beatriz Marques, 2018274233

Bárbara Gonçalves, 2018295452

meta 1: 190/190

meta 2: 19-11-2021 246/250

meta 3: 03-12-2021 167/250

meta 4: 17-12-2021 0/250

links importantes


" gocompiler: flex gocompiler.l yacc -dy gocompiler.y clang -o gocompiler -Wall -Wno-unused-function *.c


to run:

  • make -B

bash for tests

in the folder metaX add this file inside the folder create the following

files function of the files
metaX/tests/input this is where your .dgo and .out files from the git go to
metaX/tests/output this is where your new generated files go after running the tests

first time: chmod +x test.sh dos2unix test.sh

to run: ./test.sh gocompiler -(flag)

files are generated and compared, if there is any error there will be ❌ {file that doesnt pass the test} in the terminal

other stuff