
Trabalho da disciplina de métodos ágeis da UTFPR

Primary LanguageJava

"Logicamente" is a system to help undergraduate students learn logic. The original "Logicamente" system is available at http://www.dimap.ufrn.br/logicamente/.

The objective of this version of the system is to help students to learn the syntax of propositional classical logic.

The student gives as input a formula and the system draws a parse tree for the formula (if the formula is syntactically correct).

This system is based in the "Tree Interaction" tab of the Logicamente system.

The only use case for this version of the system can be seen in: 

The development of this system is an activity in the 2010 edition of the Agile Methods course at PPGCA - UTFPR.

A Kanbn diagram of the project is available at http://bit.ly/aF6ivj 

Adolfo Neto (project coordinator): http://www.dainf.ct.utfpr.edu.br/~adolfo
UTFPR: http://www.utfpr.edu.br
PPGCA (Masters in Applied Computing at UTFPR): http://www.ppgca.ct.utfpr.edu.br
Agile Methods course at PPGCA: http://www.dainf.ct.utfpr.edu.br/wiki/index.php/Metodologias_%C3%81geis_para_o_Desenvolvimento_de_Software.

= Instructions for Windows users =

* Download Egit http://www.eclipse.org/egit/
* Download the Logicamente-UTFPR GitHub repository
* Change Worskpace "Text file encoding" (Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace) to UTF-8
* Download the libraries used (see instructions in lib/README)