
Easy to use python database library.

Primary LanguagePython


Easy to use python database library.

MinexWare database library is a python library made for easy database management. This library was designed to store basic data of any user, simple to use and manage.

#short documentation

You need to import this library into your script first with: "from mw_database import *"

After that you can make a new database with make_db(name="your custom database name")

You can read a whole database's content with read_db(name="database name", print_content=False) , this function returns a db's content and with print_content=True it will also print it out

Function write_entry(name="database name", user_name="username", user_id=1234, user_age=1234, user_bio="this user's bio", user_adinfo="some other info user may specify") adds a new user into the database

Function read_user_info(name="database name", username="username :)") this function returns an user's info

Need help? Contact me on discord! mnex#1413