
Extracts contact details (first name, surname, email) from the headers of an email. Designed to be used with Mutt.

Primary LanguageRuby

Fetch Friends

Extracts contact details (first name, surname, email) from the headers of an email. Takes as a command line argument a program to be run on the discovered contacts. E.g. a script to add them to custom address book.

E.g. An example use is

fetch_friends.rb add_vcard.sh < myemail.eml

where the example script add_vcard.sh is provided and takes the arguments

add_vcard.sh <name> <surname> <email>

and adds the contact to a vcard file. Running the fetch_friends.rb command will result in

0: Holly +++ Herndon +++ h.herndon@googlemail.com
1: Johan +++ Surrballe Wieth +++ weith@iceage.sg
2: Cleo +++ Tucker +++ cleo@worldisbig.com
3: Corin +++ Tucker +++ tucker@digmeout.com
Which to add? ('y[e]' all, 'n' none, or '1[e] 4[e] 5-7[e]', optional 'e' to edit)

The user can select which to add, optionally editing them. E.g.


to add numbers 1, 2, and 3. This will result in the add_vcard.sh command being called on all three, adding them to the vcard file.


Setup For Mutt

To use with Mutt -- supposing you copy the scripts to ~/bin/ and want to run add_vcard.sh on all found contacts -- add the following line to your muttrc:

macro pager,index \Ca ":exec pipe-message<enter>~/bin/fetch_friends.rb ~/bin/add_vcard.sh<enter>"

Then just press ctrl-a on an email.

You might also want to add

set pipe_decode = yes