Ansible/BigSudo role to secure an SSH server and add users.
This role is particularily important because it's default behaviour is to setup the remote host for easy further ansible/bigsudo calls.
Perfect for being the first command to run against a fresh server
For example with Online.Net (my favority host since 2005, best bandwidth that I know of), I get a host ip with a user password and a root password and some OS that I have choosen.
Before doing any Ansible job conveniently, the server needs to have my $USER with my key (take it from github), sudo: ALL, forbid sshd password login, and of course python but bigsudo deals with that last part by itself.
I will run this command:
bigsudo yourlabs.ssh user@host --become-method=su --ask-become-pass
And then to add a friend that doesn't have a github key:
bigsudo yourlabs.ssh adduser username=jimi key= sudos='["ALL"]' --become -v @host
Example usages:
# configure ssh as sudo, will add a sudo group with passwordless sudo
bigsudo yourlabs.ssh user@host -v
# add a user with its github ssh keys with passwordless sudo
bigsudo yourlabs.ssh user@host adduser username=jpic usergroups=sudo
# add a user with a specific keys from a url
bigsudo yourlabs.ssh user@host adduser username=jpic key=
You can work in a VM if you have vagrant:
cd yourlabs.ssh
vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up
vagrant ssh-config > ssh
bigsudo . --ssh-common-args="-F ssh" @default -v