A lightning fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects.
Performance Comparison
We compare serialization times with Active Model Serializer as part of RSpec performance tests included on this library. We want to ensure that with every change on this library, serialization time is at least 25 times
faster than Active Model Serializers on up to current benchmark of 1000 records.
Benchmark times for 250 records
$ rspec
Active Model Serializer serialized 250 records in 138.71 ms
Fast JSON API serialized 250 records in 3.01 ms
Table of Contents
- Declaration syntax similar to Active Model Serializer
- Support for
- Support for compound documents (included)
- Optimized serialization of compound documents
- Caching
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fast_jsonapi'
$ bundle install
Model Definition
class Movie
attr_accessor :id, :name, :year, :actor_ids, :owner_id, :movie_type_id
Serializer Definition
class MovieSerializer
include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
set_type :movie # optional
attributes :name, :year
has_many :actors
belongs_to :owner, record_type: :user
belongs_to :movie_type
Sample Object
movie = = 232 = 'test movie'
movie.actor_ids = [1, 2, 3]
movie.owner_id = 3
movie.movie_type_id = 1
Object Serialization
Return a hash
hash =
Return Serialized JSON
json_string =
Serialized Output
"data": {
"id": "232",
"type": "movie",
"attributes": {
"name": "test movie",
"year": null
"relationships": {
"actors": {
"data": [
"id": "1",
"type": "actor"
"id": "2",
"type": "actor"
"owner": {
"data": {
"id": "3",
"type": "user"
Compound Document
Support for top-level included member through options[:include]
options = {}
options[:meta] = { total: 2 }
options[:include] = [:actors][movie, movie], options).serialized_json
Collection Serialization
options[:meta] = { total: 2 }
hash =[movie, movie], options).serializable_hash
json_string =[movie, movie], options).serialized_json
class MovieSerializer
include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
set_type :movie # optional
cache_options enabled: true, cache_length: 12.hours
attributes :name, :year
Customizable Options
Option | Purpose | Example |
set_type | Type name of Object | set_type :movie |
cache_options | Hash to enable caching and set cache length | cache_options enabled: true, cache_length: 12.hours |
id_method_name | Set custom method name to get ID of an object | has_many :locations, id_method_name: :place_ids |
object_method_name | Set custom method name to get related objects | has_many :locations, object_method_name: :places |
record_type | Set custom Object Type for a relationship | belongs_to :owner, record_type: :user |
serializer | Set custom Serializer for a relationship | has_many :actors, serializer: :custom_actor |
Please follow the steps on contribution check. This gem is built using a gem building gem called juwelier.
Beyond just editing source code, you’ll be interacting with the gem using rake a lot. To see all the tasks available with a brief description, you can run:
rake -T
Updating Project information
You can update the project information of the gem by updating the Rakefile. Then you need to generate a new gemspec:
rake gemspec
Running Tests
We use RSpec for testing. We have unit tests, functional tests and performance tests. To run tests use the following rake task:
rake spec
$ rake install
The install rake task builds the gem and then installs it. You're all set if you're using RVM, but you may need to run it with sudo if you have a system-installed Ruby:
Bumping Version
It feels good to release code. Do it, do it often. But before that, bump the version. Then release it. There's a few ways to update the version:
# version:write like before
$ rake version:write MAJOR=0 MINOR=3 PATCH=0
# bump just major, ie 0.1.0 -> 1.0.0
$ rake version:bump:major
# bump just minor, ie 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
$ rake version:bump:minor
# bump just patch, ie 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
$ rake version:bump:patch
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