This repository contains my own edition in the Jupyter notebooks.
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Below is the list of assignments and ungraded labs course-wise.
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- Housing Prices (C1W1_Assignment.ipynb)
- Hello World Neural Network (C1_W1_Lab_1_hello_world_nn.ipynb)
- Handwriting Recognition (C1W2_Assignment.ipynb)
- Beyond Hello World, A Computer Vision Example (C1_W2_Lab_1_beyond_hello_world.ipynb)
- Callbacks (C1_W2_Lab_2_callbacks.ipynb)
- Improve MNIST with Convolutions (C1W3_Assignment.ipynb)
- Improving Accuracy with Convolutions (C1_W3_Lab_1_improving_accuracy_using_convolutions.ipynb)
- Exploring Convolutions (C1_W3_Lab_2_exploring_convolutions.ipynb)
- Handling Complex Images (C1W4_Assignment.ipynb)
- Image Generator (C1_W4_Lab_1_image_generator_no_validation.ipynb)
- Image Generator with Validation (C1_W4_Lab_2_image_generator_with_validation.ipynb)
- Compacted Images (C1_W4_Lab_3_compacted_images.ipynb)
- Cats vs. Dogs (C2W1_Assignment.ipynb)
- Using more sophisticated images with Convolutional Neural Networks (C2_W1_Lab_1_cats_vs_dogs.ipynb)
- Cats vs. Dogs using Augmentation (C2W2_Assignment.ipynb)
- Cats vs. Dogs with Augmentation (C2_W2_Lab_1_cats_v_dogs_augmentation.ipynb)
- Horses vs. Humans with Augmentation (C2_W2_Lab_2_horses_v_humans_augmentation.ipynb)
- Horses vs. Humans using Transfer Learning (C2W3_Assignment.ipynb)
- Exploring Transfer Learning (C2_W3_Lab_1_transfer_learning.ipynb)
- Multi-class Classifier (C2W4_Assignment.ipynb)
- Classifying Rock, Paper, and Scissors (C2_W4_Lab_1_multi_class_classifier.ipynb)
- Explore the BBC News Archive (C3W1_Assignment.ipynb)
- Simple Tokenizing (C3_W1_Lab_1_tokenize_basic.ipynb)
- Simple Sequences (C3_W1_Lab_2_sequences_basic.ipynb)
- Sarcasm (C3_W1_Lab_3_sarcasm.ipynb)
- Categorizing the BBC News Archive (C3W2_Assignment.ipynb)
- Positive or Negative IMDB Reviews (C3_W2_Lab_1_imdb.ipynb)
- Sarcasm Classifier (C3_W2_Lab_2_sarcasm_classifier.ipynb)
- IMDB Review Subwords (C3_W2_Lab_3_imdb_subwords.ipynb)
- Exploring Overfitting in NLP (C3W3_Assignment.ipynb)
- IMDB Subwords 8K with Single Layer LSTM (C3_W3_Lab_1_single_layer_LSTM.ipynb)
- IMDB Subwords 8K with Multi Layer LSTM (C3_W3_Lab_2_multiple_layer_LSTM.ipynb)
- IMDB Subwords 8K with 1D Convolutional Layer (C3_W3_Lab_3_Conv1D.ipynb)
- IMDB Reviews with GRU (and optional LSTM and Conv1D) (C3_W3_Lab_4_imdb_reviews_with_GRU_LSTM_Conv1D.ipynb)
- Sarcasm with Bidirectional LSTM (C3_W3_Lab_5_sarcasm_with_bi_LSTM.ipynb)
- Sarcasm with 1D Convolutional Layer (C3_W3_Lab_6_sarcasm_with_1D_convolutional.ipynb)
- Writing Shakespeare with LSTMs (C3W4_Assignment.ipynb)
- NLP with Irish Music (C3_W4_Lab_1.ipynb)
- Generating Poetry from Irish Lyrics (C3_W4_Lab_2_irish_lyrics.ipynb)
- Create and Predict Synthetic Data (C4W1_Assignment.ipynb)
- Time Series (C4_W1_Lab_1_time_series.ipynb)
- Forecasting (C4_W1_Lab_2_forecasting.ipynb)
- Predict with a DNN (C4W2_Assignment.ipynb)
- Preparing Features and Labels (C4_W2_Lab_1_features_and_labels.ipynb)
- Single Layer Neural Network (C4_W2_Lab_2_single_layer_NN.ipynb)
- Deep Neural Network (C4_W2_Lab_3_deep_NN.ipynb)
- Using RNN's and LSTM's for time series (C4W3_Assignment.ipynb)
- Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) (C4_W3_Lab_1_RNN.ipynb)
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (C4_W3_Lab_2_LSTM.ipynb)
- Daily Minimum Temperatures in Melbourne - Real Life Data (C4W4_Assignment.ipynb)
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (C4_W4_Lab_1_LSTM.ipynb)
- Sunspots (C4_W4_Lab_2_Sunspots.ipynb)
- Sunspots - DNN Only (C4_W4_Lab_3_DNN_only.ipynb)