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Teaching Matters: Investigating the Role of Supervision in Vision Transformers (CVPR 2023)


This is the official repository for the work Teaching Matters: Investigating the Role of Supervision in Vision Transformers accepted to CVPR 2023. It includes scripts and function for analyzing and comparing ViTs trained with different methods of supervision. Also see our Project Webpage.


If using conda environment:

conda create --name vit_an python=3.9
conda activate vit_an

Install packages:

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
pip install matplotlib
pip install opencv-python
pip install pandas
pip install scikit-image
pip install pycocotools
pip install scikit-learn
pip install -e .
cd ..
cd timm_vit_modified/pytorch-image-models/
pip install -e .
cd ../..

Download MAE Models:

cd models/mae
wget -nc https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/mae/pretrain/mae_pretrain_vit_base.pth
wget -nc https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/mae/pretrain/mae_pretrain_vit_large.pth
wget -nc https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/mae/pretrain/mae_pretrain_vit_huge.pth
cd ../..

Download MoCo-v3 Models:

cd moco-v3/weights
bash download_weights.sh
cd ../..

Download BEIT Models:

cd models/beit
wget https://conversationhub.blob.core.windows.net/beit-share-public/beit/beit_base_patch16_224_pt22k.pth
wget https://conversationhub.blob.core.windows.net/beit-share-public/beit/beit_large_patch16_224_pt22k.pth
cd ../..

For TIMM (Fully Supervised), CLIP, and DINO, models are downloaded automatically when called


The following datasets are used in this analysis: ImageNet, ImageNet-50 (sub-sampling of ImageNet), PartImageNet, COCO, ROxford5k, RParis6k, DAVIS, SPair-71k. These datasets should be placed in the data/ folder in the root directory. Alternately, when calling an analysis script you can specify a different path to each dataset using the --dataroot flag.

Analysis Scripts

This section describes how to use all of the analysis scripts in the repository. Whenever calling an analysis script, you must specify the model args. A list of all valid model args is provided in the subsequent section. For example, a call for attention analysis with model args for DINO B/16 would look like:

python run_attention_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_exp --run_grids --meta_model dino --arch B --patch 16

Attention Analysis

Run Attention Map Visualizations

python run_attention_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_exp --run_grids {MODEL_ARGS}

Run Attention Distance Metric

python run_attention_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_met {MODEL_ARGS}
python run_attention_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_meta

Run Attention Saliency (IoU) Analysis on COCO or PartImageNet

python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_iou --dataset coco --imcount 5000 {MODEL_ARGS}
python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_iou --dataset pin --persc 500 {MODEL_ARGS}
python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_meta

Feature Analysis

Between Model CKA (must specify two models)

python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --meta_model {meta_model} --arch {arch} --patch {patch} --imsize {imsize} --meta_model_2 {meta_model_2} --arch_2 {arch_2} --patch_2 {patch_2} --imsize_2 {imsize_2} --run_cka --output_dir feature_analysis_out

Last Layer CKA (must specify two models)

python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --meta_model {meta_model} --arch {arch} --patch {patch} --imsize {imsize} --meta_model_2 {meta_model_2} --arch_2 {arch_2} --patch_2 {patch_2} --imsize_2 {imsize_2} --last_layer_dump
python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --plot_last_layer --only_b16

For plots in appendix

python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --plot_last_layer

CLS Token clustering ImageNet-50

python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --dump_cls {MODEL_ARGS}

Spatial Token clustering ImageNet-50

python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --dump_spat {MODEL_ARGS}

Plot both Spatial and CLS token clustering Imagenet-50

python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --plot_clust --only_b16

For plots in appendix

python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --plot_clust

Spatial Token object-level clustering on COCO

python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_feats --dense --dataset coco --imcount 1000 {MODEL_ARGS}
python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_met --dense --dataset coco --imcount 1000 {MODEL_ARGS}
python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_meta

Run object-level and part-level spatial feature clustering on COCO or PartImageNet

python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_feats --dense --dataset pin --persc 100 {MODEL_ARGS}
python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_met --dense --dataset pin --persc 100 {MODEL_ARGS}
python run_seg_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_meta

Residual Connection Analysis

python run_feature_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_cka_residual {MODEL_ARGS}

Downstream Task Analysis

k-NN Classification (specify feature layer using integer for {blk})

python run_downstream_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_knn --dataset imagenet --dataroot {PATH TO IMAGENET} --batch 256 --blk {blk} {MODEL_ARGS}

Image Retrieval

python run_downstream_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_retrieval --dataroot {PATH TO DATASET} --dataset rparis6k --batch 1 --blk {blk} {MODEL_ARGS}
python run_downstream_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_retrieval --dataroot {PATH TO DATASET} --dataset roxford5k --batch 1 --blk {blk} {MODEL_ARGS}

DAVIS Video Object Segmentation. The first command will export the results to file. For the second command, first download the official DAVIS evaluation script. Follow the same instructions here: https://github.com/facebookresearch/dino#evaluation-davis-2017-video-object-segmentation

python run_downstream_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --run_video_segmentation --dataroot {PATH TO DAVIS} --dataset davis --batch 1 --blk {blk} --dense --output_dir davis_dense {MODEL_ARGS} --output_dir all_results/davis_dense
python davis2017-evaluation/evaluation_method.py --task semi-supervised --results_path {PATH TO STEP 1 OUTPUT} --davis_path davis-2017/DAVIS/ 

Keypoint Correspondences

python run_kp_analysis.py --dataroot {DATA_PATH} --meta_model {meta_model} --arch {arch} --patch {patch} --imsize {imsize} --blk {blk}

Plot all Downstream Task Results

python collect_evals.py

For plots in appendix

python collect_all_evals.py

Model Configs

These lists contain all model config used in our analysis. Append these args to any of the analysis scripts above. The default image size is 224.


--meta_model dino --arch S --patch 16
--meta_model dino --arch S --patch 8
--meta_model dino --arch B --patch 16
--meta_model dino --arch B --patch 8


--meta_model clip --arch B --patch 32
--meta_model clip --arch B --patch 16
--meta_model clip --arch L --patch 14


--meta_model mae --arch B --patch 16
--meta_model mae --arch L --patch 16
--meta_model mae --arch H --patch 14

timm: (fully supervised training)

--meta_model timm --arch S --patch 32
--meta_model timm --arch S --patch 16
--meta_model timm --arch B --patch 32
--meta_model timm --arch B --patch 16
--meta_model timm --arch B --patch 8
--meta_model timm --arch L --patch 16


--meta_model moco --arch S --patch 16
--meta_model moco --arch B --patch 16


--meta_model beit --arch B --patch 16
--meta_model beit --arch L --patch 16

Additional Models

These are additional valid model options available in the framework

--meta_model clip --arch L --patch 14 --imsize 336
--meta_model timm --arch B --patch 16 --imsize 384
--meta_model timm --arch B --patch 32 --imsize 384
--meta_model timm --arch L --patch 16 --imsize 384
--meta_model timm --arch L --patch 32 --imsize 384

Acknowledgments and Modifications

This repository wraps several official codebases for the various ViT training methods examined. These sub-directories are under the respective licenses of their original releases. We here acknowledge the original sources and note the modifications made for our analysis.

DINO: https://github.com/facebookresearch/dino

  • dino/vision_transformer.py - added placeholders to get residual analysis outputs

CLIP: https://github.com/openai/CLIP

  • CLIP/clip/model.py - added placeholders to get attention weights
  • added placeholders to get residual analysis outputs

MAE: https://github.com/facebookresearch/mae

  • mae/models_mae.py - added an option to forward pass to disable token shuffle and masking for inference
  • Modified code so that all of the sub modules can run with same version of pytorch and timm

timm (pytorch-image-models): https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models

  • added placeholders to get residual analysis outputs (to vision_transformer.py)

MoCo: https://github.com/facebookresearch/moco-v3

  • directly interfaces with changes made to timm

BEiT: https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/blob/master/beit

  • directly interfaces with changes made to timm

CKA Code: https://github.com/AntixK/PyTorch-Model-Compare


Distributed under the MIT License.


If you found our work useful, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Teaching Matters: Investigating the Role of Supervision in Vision Transformers},
  author={Walmer, Matthew and Suri, Saksham and Gupta, Kamal and Shrivastava, Abhinav},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},