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Data Science Interview Questions & Answers

Article Code
Machine Learning Interview Questions & Answers for Data Scientists :octocat:
Deep Learning Interview Questions & Answers for Data Scientists :octocat:
Probability Interview Questions & Answers for Data Scientists :octocat:
Statistics Interview Questions & Answers for Data Scientists :octocat:
Python Interview Questions & Answers for Data Scientists :octocat:
SQL & Database Interview Questions & Answers for Data Scientists :octocat:
Top Large Language Models (LLMs) Interview Questions & Answers

LLM Applications

Article Code
Automating YouTube Script Writing with LangChain and Streamlit: A Step-by-Step Guide :octocat:
Building a PDF-Chat App using LangChain, OpenAI API & Streamlit :octocat:
5 Challenges Come with Building LLM-Based Applications
Vector Database: The Secret Behind Large Language Models Capabilities

Hands-On LangChain for LLMs App

Article Code

|Hands-On LangChain for LLM Applications Development: Documents Loading | :octocat:| |Hands-On LangChain for LLM Applications Development: Documents Splitting Part 1 | :octocat:| |Hands-On LangChain for LLM Applications Development: Documents Splitting Part 2 | :octocat:| |Hands-On LangChain for LLM Applications Development: Vector Database & Text Embeddings | :octocat:| |Hands-On LangChain for LLM Applications Development: Information Retrieval | :octocat:| |Hands-On LangChain for LLMs App: Answering Questions From Documents | :octocat:| |Hands-On LangChain for LLMs App: Chat with Your Files | :octocat:|

Stable Diffusion Crash Coruse

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Getting Started With Stable Diffusion :octocat:
Stable Diffusion-Based Image Generation Web Application Using Fast API & React :octocat:

Introduction to Generative AI

Introduction to Generative AI: What It Is & Main Applications
What Are Large Language Models?

Practical Computer Vision In Python

Article Code
Overview of Computer Vision Tasks & Applications
Object Tracking with Particle Filters In Python :octocat:
Overview of Object Detection Evaluation Metrics

Practical Machine Learning Guide

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End-to-End Machine Learning Workflow Part 1
End-to-End Machine Learning Workflow Part 2
How To Split Data Effectively for Your Data Science Project :octocat:
Six Reasons Why Your Model Gives Bad Results
Brief Guide for Machine Learning Model Selection
Practical Guide to Support Vector Machine in Python :octocat:
Practical Guide to Boosting Algorithms In Machine Learning
Overview of Unsupervised Machine Learning Tasks & Applications
Practical Guide to Dimesnioality Reduction in Python :octocat:
Building Complex Models Using Keras Functional API :octocat:
A Quick Setup for Neural Networks Hyperparameters for Best Results
Building A Recurrent Neural Network From Scratch In Python
Machine Learning Models Are No Longer A Black Box
Step-by-Step Guide on Deploying Yolo3 Model on Fast API
Key Challenges of Machine Learning Model Deployment

Time Series In Python

Article Code
Manipulating Time Series Data In Python Pandas :octocat:
Time Series Analysis in Python Pandas :octocat:
Visualizing Time Series Data in Python :octocat:
Arima Models in Python Part 1 :octocat:
Arima Models in Python 2 :octocat:
Machine Learning for Time Series Data Regression :octocat:

Efficient Python for Data Scientists

Article Code
How To Write Python Clean Code
Write Efficient Python Code: Defining & Measuring Code Efficiency :octocat:
Write Efficient Python Code: Optimizing Your Code :octocat:
How To Eliminate Loops From Your Python Code :octocat:
Best Practices To Use Pandas Efficiently As A Data Scientist :octocat:
Stop Looping Through Pandas DataFrames & Do This Instead :octocat:
Selecting & Replacing Values In Pandas DataFrame Effectively :octocat:
How To Use .groupby() Effectively For Data Transformation As A Data Scientist :octocat:
20 Pandas Functions for 80% of your Data Science Tasks :octocat:
Data Exploration Becomes Easier & Better With Pandas Profiling :octocat:
Make Your Pandas Code 1000 Times Faster With This Trick :octocat:

Machine Learning Research

March 2023’s Breakthroughs in Computer Vision: A Selection of Top Papers
How to Read Machine Learning Papers Effectively
What Does It Mean To Be a Ph.D Student?

Book Recommendations for Data Scientists

Data Science Roadmap through Books
Top 12 Business for Data Science Books for Data Scientists
5 Top Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering Books For Data Scientists
5 Best Books To Learn Statistics And Probability For Data Scientists
The Best Book To Build A Strong Machine Learning Foundation
5 Best Books to Learn Machine Learning For Data Scientists
3 Books To Build A Strong Deep Learning Foundation
5 Top Practical Computer Vision Books
Top 10 Theoretical & Practical Computer Vision Books
10 Top MlOps Books for Data Scientists
Top 12 Practical Data Science Books

Data Science Skill-Based Courses

5 Short Courses to Advance Your SQL Skills
Five Courses to Master Data Cleaning & Feature Engineering
5 Short Courses to Advance Your Pandas Skills
5 Short Courses Master Deploying Models Into Production
5 Short Courses to Learn Scripting For Data Science
5 Short Courses to Learn Software Engineering Skills for Data Scientists
5 Short Courses to Learn Data Ethics & Literacy
5 Short Practical Data Science Courses

Data Science Educational Resoruces

Top 10 Large Language Models GitHub Repository
Top Data Analysis YouTube Channel In 2023
Top 12 Computer Vision GitHub Repositories
Top 10 GitHub Repository to Learn Data Science
Ten Free Online Courses for Ph.D. Students & Researchers
Top Resources to Learn & Understand RLHF
Top 40 Twitter Accounts For The Latest In Machine Learning Research
The Ultimate Collection of MLOps GitHub Repositories

Data Science Interview Preparation

Data Science Hiring Process

Overview of data science hiring process
3 Resources to Get & Pass Your First Data Science Interview

Writing Standing Out Resume

How to Build a Data Science Resume That Gets You Interviews?
Crafting the Perfect Data Science Resume: 10 Common Mistakes to Steer Clear of
How I Got 15 More Data Science Interviews in One Month?

How to Build Standing Out Porotflio

The Importance of Having a Portfolio As a Data Scientist
Want to Stand Out in Data Science? Don’t Make These Portfolio Mistakes!
How To Build A Data Science Portfolio That Will Land You A Job?
Hiring Manager Tips To Land Your First Data Science Job
Guided Projects: The Ultimate Way to Learn Data Science
10 End-to-End Guided Data Science Projects to Build Your Portfolio
Master Computer Vision and Boost Your Portfolio with These 10 End-to-End Projects
Build Impressive Data Science Projects: 10 Websites with Open Datasets to Build Your Portfolio

Getting Internal Referal

Three Methods To Get Internal Referrals For Data Science Positions

Behavioral Interview Preparation

Cracking the Data Science Behavioral Interview [Full Guide]
What To Expect In A Data Science Behavioral Interview
How To Introduce Yourself In A Data Science Behavioral Interview
How To Present Past Projects In A Data Science Behavioral Interview
What To Ask At The End of A Data Science Behavioral Interview?
Avoid These 3 Mistakes In Data Science Behavioral Interviews
Top 50+ Behavioral Data Science Interview Questions
You should Review These Topics Before Data Science Technical Interview

Technical Interview Preparation

You should Review These Topics Before Data Science Technical Interview

Machine Learning Technical Interview

Crack the Machine Learning Coding Questions
Types of Machine Learning Questions In A Data Science Interview & How To Prepare for Them

SQL Coding Interview

13 SQL Statements for 90% of Your Data Science Tasks
Ace the SQL Questions in Data Science & Analysis Technical Interview
Unlocking the Power of SQL: How to Ace Top N Problem Questions in Interviews
How To Ace the SQL Ratio Problems In Data Science Interviews
6 Free Resources For SQL Interview Preparation

Learn from Top Universities

Build Strong Deep Learning Foundations By Learning From Top Universities
Learn Reinforcement Learning from Top Universities
6 Top University Courses to Learn Mathematics for Machine Learning & Data Science
Learn Computer Vision From Top Universities
Learn AI from Top Universities Through these 10 Courses

Data Science Roadmaps

Kickstart Your Data Science Career with this Comprehensive and Easy-to-Follow Roadmap
Ultimate Free Python For Data Science Roadmap In 2023
Software Engineering Roadmap For Data Scientists
SQL Mastery for Data Scientists: A Comprehensive Guide from Novice to Advanced
Ultimate MLOps Learning Roadmap with Free Learning Resources In 2023
From Novice to Expert: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Study Plan for Mastering LLMs
Navigating the World of Computer Vision: A Step-by-Step Roadmap
Comprehensive Data Analytics Roadmap for 2023 With Free Resources

Software Engineering for Data Scientists

Unlocking the Power of Containerization: Why Data Scientists Need to Learn Dockers and Kubernetes?
Software Engineering Skills Data Scientists Should Know
Docker for Data Science Projects: A Beginner-Friendly Introduction
Industry-Wide Best Practices For Using Docker for Data Science
10 Docker Commands for 90% of Conteraization Tasks
Unlocking the Power of Containerization: Why Data Scientists Need to Learn Dockers and Kubernetes?

Data Science & AI Open Positions

Open Positions in AI For the Week 10/10 to 16/10
Open Positions in AI For the Week 3/10 to 9/10
Open Positions in AI For the Week 26/9 to 2/10
Open Positions in AI For the Week 19/9 to 25/9
Open Positions in AI For the Week 19/9 to 25/9
Open Positions in AI For The Week 12/9 to 18/9
Open Positions in AI For The Week 8/8 to 14/8
Open Positions in AI For The Week 1/8 to 7/8
Open Positions in AI For The Week 25/7 to 31/7
Open Positions in AI For The Week 11/7 to 17/7
Open Positions in AI For The Week 4/7 to 10/7
Open Positions in AI For The Week 27/6 to 3/7

Technical Writing Tips

After 4 Months with ChatGPT: Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Your Writing Results on Medium
10 Websites Will Pay 300 $ for Your Technical Blog
The Writing Strategy that Made Me 1200 $ on Medium in January 2023 Writing about Data Science
10 Books To Become a Great Writer and Storyteller
How Much Medium Paid Me For 34,000 Views And 6500 Reads
13 Top Tools To Write More With Higher Quality
8 Websites Will Pay 50$ to 1000$ For Your Data Science Blog
How Do I Use Technical Blogging to Grow on Seven Data Science Platforms?

Self Development

5 Essential Personal Skills for Building A Successful Data Science & AI Career
5 Tips To Avoid Imposter Syndrome in Your AI & Data Science Career
Data Science 101: The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid for a Successful Career Path
5 Reasons I Love & Enjoy Working As A Data Scientist
5 Non-Technical Books You Should Read As A Tech Worker
7 Hacks to Stay Productive In Today’s Distracted World
6 Ways You Can Make Money While Learning Data Science