
CarRentalManagementApp is a comprehensive application for managing a car rental agency. It allows admins and managers to handle user accounts, vehicle inventory, reservations, and generate reports based on user data and rental statistics.


  • User Management: Admins and managers can add, update, or remove users. Admins can update the roles of both managers and users.
  • Vehicle Management: Managers and admins can add new cars, update prices, upload photos, and manage the availability of cars. They can also delete cars from the stock.
  • Reservation System: Clients can register and reserve cars based on availability. Admins and managers can accept or reject reservation requests based on the client's history.
  • Analytics: The application provides detailed charts and statistics to help admins and managers make informed decisions based on rental data.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot
  • Angular
  • MongoDB


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Configure the necessary environment variables.
  3. Install the required dependencies.
  4. Run the application using the provided scripts.


  1. Follow the installation steps.
  2. Open the application in your preferred web browser.
  3. Log in using the provided credentials based on your role (admin/manager/client).
  4. Navigate through the different sections to manage users, vehicles, reservations, and view analytics.

Video Demo

For a better understanding of how the application works, please watch our video demo .