
Google Spreadsheet Client for PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

Google Spreadsheet Client for PHP

Google Spreadsheet Client for PHP. This requires "google/apiclient" package.

Get started

1. Get key file

  1. Log in Google Developper Console
  2. Create new project
  3. Create Service Account credentials in the project
  4. Download key file as JSON

2. Create spreadsheet

  1. Create a new spreadsheet in Google Drive
  2. Authorize the email address, which is found as "client_email" in key file, to read and edit.
  3. Save the file ID from address bar.

3. Access by PHP

$client = Google_Spreadsheet::getClient("the/path/to/credential.json");
// Get the file by file ID
$file = $client->file("XXXxxxXXXXxxxXXXX");
// Get the sheet by title
$sheet = $file->sheet("Sheet1");
// Flush all rows in the sheet


Select rows

// Array
$items = $sheet->select(array("id" => "1"));
// Closure
$items = $sheet->select(function($row){
	return (int) $row["age"] < 30;

Insert a new row

	"name" => "John",
	"age" => 23,
	"email" => "john@example.com"

Update column's value

	8, // row number
	"name", // field's name (or column number as Integer)

	array(8,16,24), // row numbers

		"name" => "Tom" // condition to select

		return (int) $row["age"] > 80; // condition to select as closure

Get up-to-date table data

$items = $sheet->fetch(true)->items;

Save cache

	"cache" => true,
	"cache_dir" => "cache",
	"cache_expires" => 3600


$client = Google_Spreadsheet::getClient("the/path/to/credential.json");
// Get the file by file ID
$file = $client->file("XXXxxxXXXXxxxXXXX");
// Get the sheet by title
$sheet = $file->sheet("Sheet1");
// Dump CSV
