MS Exercise

A mini project that retrieves data and assets from contentful. This service shows an overview of recipes and their details.

Getting started

In order to start this project there are some steps to be done


  • docker
  • id and token from contentful


You need to export these environment variables in order to build and deploy this service. These values contains example values:

env value explanation
RAILS_ENV production environment of deployment
SPACE_ID '1356423' Contentful ID
ACCESS_TOKEN '135453453' Contentful Token
SECRET_KEY_BASE '135453453' Random Generated Key

Building Docker image

for testing or development run:

  docker build -t ms-exercise .

for production release run:

  docker build -t ms-exercise:release_tag . --build-arg RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV --build-arg SECRET_KEY_BASE=$SECRET_KEY_BASE --build-arg BUNDLE_ARGS='--without development test'

Starting the service

To start this service on port 3000:

  docker run -p 3000:3000 -t --env SPACE_ID --env ACCESS_TOKEN --env RAILS_ENV --env SECRET_KEY_BASE --env RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=true ms-exercise

note: if you build this project with passenger & nginx or something alike that can handle the assets you can remove RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES

Running Tests

  docker run -i --rm --env SPACE_ID --env ACCESS_TOKEN ms-exercise bundle exec rspec