
🛠 Ansible managed docker-swarm cluster.

Primary LanguageJinjaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Destr0yer playbooks

Daily usage recommendations

  • When one of the host ip is changed, playbook should be completely re-run.


Tested on Debian 10 Buster only.

Please fork this repo for each different server configuration.


  • SSH access
  • Python
  • python-jmespath

VM only

Commands :

  • Start machines using vagrant up.
  • Stop machines using vagrant halt.
  • Update /etc/hosts using vagrant hostmanager

vagrant-hostmanager plugin is used for name resolution.

If logs grows due to systemd not capable to generate a MAC address, see systemd/systemd#3374 (comment)

Ansible Playbooks

Playbooks description :

  • destr0yers : this play setup debian based systems with a secured base configuration. Use it as a base.

  • the-swarm : this play setup a Docker Swarm network using several nodes. It use TLS for communications between nodes (requires CA setup). Use it for Docker infrastructures.

  • Edit secrets using : env EDITOR=vim ansible-vault edit secret_vars/all.yml --vault-password-file ./.vault_password

Deployment of a new node

  1. First configuration a new hosts: ansible-playbook -i hosts/destr0yers.yml destr0yers.yml --vault-password-file ./.vault_password --tag="new-systems"
  2. Launch the recipe using: ansible-playbook -i hosts/destr0yers.yml destr0yers.yml --vault-password-file ./.vault_password
  3. Launch the docker recipe using: ansible-playbook -i hosts/swarm-nodes.yml the-swarm.yml --vault-password-file ./.vault_password

Save secrets and certs

Using make and the Makefile you can easily save secrets and certs in a safe place. For instance a private Nextcloud.

  • make push - save secrets and certs
  • make pull - restore secrets and certs

Create a .env as .env.sample in order to configure save path and cluster name which must be unique.


Hosts are located in hosts/{hosts groups list}.yml. Use separate files for separate clusters.

How to start?

Generate ssh keys

For each account present on the server, a couple of public and private key is required. Generate it using ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -C "" -N "" and save it in the secret vault.

Generate GPG keys for backup encryption

Backups requires to be encrypted using GPG. In order to make it work, keys must be generated.

We follow this guide: https://github.com/Oefenweb/ansible-duply-backup#advance-configuration-gpg-enabled

  1. Generate a new GPG key using: gpg --full-gen-key (choose RSA and RSA, 4096bits, never expires)
  2. Export the public key using: gpg --output {public key name}.pub.asc --armor --export {the name you entered previously}
  3. Export the private key using: gpg --output {private key name}.sec.asc --armor --export-secret-key {the name you entered previously}
  4. Save the public and the private key in the host secret vault.
  5. Define this key as encryption key for the backup in host_vars. /!\ don't forget to set the names and the ownertrust.
  6. Save the ownertrust, the both keys and the passphrase in a safe place.
  7. When the export is completed, delete the GPG key from the host machine.

Create CA for swarm or elastic cluster

Script: a dedicated scrip has been created for this task. It create a client certificate signed by a root authority (X509 standard). Use ./generate-X509-certificate.rb

REMINDER : add the expiration date as a comment and as a calendar event.

Using a personal Root CA is useful for swarm mode over TLS. Details of the procedure are available on : https://gist.github.com/fntlnz/cf14feb5a46b2eda428e000157447309 Important : use a secure encryption for root CA using openssl genrsa -chacha20...

To sum up :

  • Root CA
    1. RootCA (private ! and encrypted using chacha20) : openssl genrsa -chacha20 -out certs/heaven.youtous.me-rootCA.key 4096
    2. Root CERTIFICATE (crt) (to be shared and renewed in 2500 days) : openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key certs/heaven.youtous.me-rootCA.key -sha256 -days 2500 -out certs/heaven.youtous.me-rootCA.crt
  • For each server :
    1. Certificate key (private ! but not encrypted) : openssl genrsa -out certs/heaven-pascal.youtous.dv.key 4096
    2. Certificate signing (csr) : openssl req -new -key certs/heaven-pascal.youtous.dv.key -out certs/heaven-pascal.youtous.dv.csr
    3. Generate the CERTIFICATE (crt) (to be renewed in 1024 days) : openssl x509 -req -in certs/heaven-pascal.youtous.dv.csr -CA certs/heaven.youtous.me-rootCA.crt -CAkey certs/heaven.youtous.me-rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out certs/heaven-pascal.youtous.dv.crt -days 1024 -sha256
    4. Next time, don't use -CAcreateserial but -CAserial certs/heaven.youtous.me-rootCA.srl (http://users.skynet.be/pascalbotte/art/server-cert.htm)
    5. On the certificate has been generated, it to host secrets, there is no need to save it.

Notes :

Use elastic for logging

Two options are available for log forwarding :

  • setup an elastic cluster using docker-elastic (see dedicated roles/docker-elastic/README.md)
  • forward logs using logstash and wireguard

The following instructions will detail this last option: 0. On the server node, add a new (peer) wireguard client targeting the new server, see roles/wireguard-server/README.md

  1. On the client node, setup a wireguard client connection
  - interface: wg-elastic
    name: "{{ hostname }} elastic"
    addresses: # client address + network
    endpoint: "logstash.castle.youtous.me:1991" # vpn server address
    persistent_keepalive: "" # only used when behind a NAT
    mtu: "" # optional mtu
    allowed_ips: # which traffic to redirect to the vpn?
    dns: [] # optional DNS ips to use for this VPN
    server_public_key: "server public key=" # public key of the server
    public_key: "client public key=" # client keys
    private_key: "{{ wireguard_elastic_client_private_key }}"
    preshared_key: "{{ wireguard_elastic_client_preshared_key }}"
  1. Add the client peer ip on the wireguard server to allowed external logstash using
logstash_external_allowed_ip4s: # vpn for logstash data exchange
  - "" # myclient hostname

When wireguard tunnel is setup, elastic cluster must be configured:

  1. On the elastic master node: generate a client certificate and key used by the client node for submitting data to the elastic receiver.
# on the forwarder node
logstash_client_forwarder_CA_certificate: "" # CA shared with the logstash receiver, this is required when used as a forwarder
logstash_client_forwarder_node_certificate: ""
logstash_client_forwarder_node_private_key: ""
  1. On the elastic client node: generate a rootCA used for generating certificates in the swarm cluster.
logstash_CA_certificate: | # usually logstash-rootCA.crt
logstash_node_private_key: | # usually logstash-node-hostname.key
logstash_node_certificate: | # usually logstash-node-hostname.crt

See docker-elastic for detailed instructions.


DockerSwarm hosts

Swarm comes with several admin applications which require domains, here is a list of the required domains :

# prom domains  prom.prom.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv  unsee.prom.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv  alerts.prom.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv  graph.prom.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv

# traefik domains  traefik.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv  consul.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv

# portainer  portainer.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv

# elastic stack  kibana.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv  elasticsearch.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv  logstash.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv

# nextcloud  cloud.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv

# mailserver mail.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv autodiscover.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv autoconfig.heaven-pascal.youtous.dv

Other commands

  • bcrypt-passwd.sh : helps to create a bcrypt password; requires htpasswd to be installed.

Ansible 3rd Roles

Install requirements using ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

See requirements.yml Ansible version: 2.8