
A wrapper for Javascript's indexedDB with useful easy to use functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A wrapper for javascript's indexedDB

Tested in: Chrome 21
           Firefox 14
           IE 10 / Windows 8 metro app js


See full example at the bottom


var dbSchema = [{
    name: 'animals',
    key: 'id',
    indexes: [{
        name: 'class',
        field: 'class',
        unique: false

var db;

var IDB = new DB({
    name: 'dbname',
    version: 1,
    schema: dbSchema,
    success: function (DBObject) {
        // DBObject is a wrapper object to make calls with
        // native IndexedDB object can be found at DBObject.db
        db = DBObject;
        // make calls with the db object here
    error: function (supported, e) {
        if (supported) {
            console.log('indexedDB supported');
        } else {
            console.log('indexedDB not supported');



var data = [
    {id: 1, name: 'raccoon', class: 'mammalia'},
    {id: 2, name: 'octopus', class: 'cephalopoda'},
    {id: 3, name: 'ibex', class: 'mammalia'},
    {id: 4, name: 'ant', class: 'insecta'},
    {id: 5, name: 'whale', class: 'mammalia'},
    {id: 6, name: 'eagle', class: 'aves'},
    {id: 7, name: 'iguana', class: 'reptilia'},
    {id: 8, name: 'crab', class: 'malacostraca'}

    store: 'animals',
    data: data,
    success: function (rowsAdded, rowsFailed, objectStore, successEvent) { /* success */ },
    error: function (rowsAdded, rowsFailed, objectStore, failEvent) { /* error */ }


####Delete by id####

Delete record with id = 7

    store: 'animals', 
    id: 7, // value of column that is the store's key from the schema
    success: function (deletedID, objectStore, successEvent) { /* deleted */ },
    error: function (objectStore, failEvent) { /* error */ }

####Delete all rows in object store####

    store: 'animals',
    success: function (objectStore, successEvent) { /* deleted all records */ },
    error: function (objectStore, failEvent) { /* error */ }


####Get record by id####

Get record with id = 5

    store: 'animals', 
    id: 5, // value of column that is the store's key from the schema
    success: function (data, objectStore, successEvent) { /* {id: 5, name: 'whale', class: 'mammalia'} */ },
    error: function (objectStore, failEvent) { /* error */ }

####Get all records in an object store####

    store: 'animals',
    success: function (data, objectStore, successEvent) { /* Array all records in animals */ },
    error: function (objectStore, failEvent) { /* error */ }

####Filtering and ordering data####

Get all animals from class 'mammilia' in ascending order (column of ordering is name) limit 3

    store: 'animals', 
    key: 'class', 
    value: 'mammilia', 
    orderCol: 'name', 
    order: 'asc', 
    limit: 3,
    success: function (data, objectStore, successEvent) { /* first 3 with class mammilia in asc order by name */ },
    error: function (objectStore, failEvent) { /* error */ }

###Counting records###

OptionalKey will constrain result to items matching that key at value optionalKeyValue

    store: 'animals',
    success: function (count, objectStore, successEvent) { /* total number of records */ },
    error: function (objectStore, failEvent) { /* error */ }

    store: 'animals',
    key: 'class',
    value: 'mammilia',
    success: function (count, objectStore, successEvent) { /* total number of records with class 'mammilia' */ },
    error: function (objectStore, failEvent) { /* error */ }




When initing the DB function it needs some options. It supports an option object with 4 parameters:

  • name: <string> the name of your database
  • version: <int> the version number, a new version number will trigger an upgrade (change schema)
  • schema: <object> an object as described below
  • debug: <bool> turn on off console logs
  • success: <function> [see below for arguments]
  • error: <function> [see below for arguments]

######success arguments######

  • <object> DBObject with methods: insert, delete, count, ...etc
  • <event> request success event

######fail arguments######

  • <bool> whether indexedDB has support in the browser
  • <event> request fail event


The schema takes an array of objects. Each object represents an objectStore.

Each objectStoreObject has 3 properties:

  • name: <string> the name you will reference the objectStore by when requesting data

  • key: <string> the objectStore's key

  • indexes: <array> an array of objects that will be indexes in your objectStore. Each object has 3 properties:

      name: `<string>` the name of your index
      field: `<string>` the actual field name in your object 
      unique: `<bool>` whether it is a unique index (default false)


On successful DB.init the success function is called with an argument of DBObject which is our custom object with several methods described below.


db: <IDBObject> the actual object created by a successful `indexedDB.open().onsuccess` call


###insert ( options)### Insert data into objectStore


  • store: <string> objectStore name [required],
  • data: <array> array of objects that you want to insert - not required, but pointless to leave out...
  • replace: <bool> default false. true will replace any records with the same key that already exist [optional]
  • success: <function> [see below for arguments]
  • error: <function> [see below for arguments]

######success arguments######

  • <array> array of successfully added items
  • <array> array of failed items
  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> request success event

######fail arguments######

  • <array> array of successfully added items
  • <array> array of failed items
  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> request fail event

###get ( options)### Get one record from objectStore by it's key


  • store: <string> objectStore name [required],
  • id: <mixed> the id* of the row you are trying to retrieve, (*id as set by keyPath in schema) [required]
  • success: <function> [see below for arguments]
  • error: <function> [see below for arguments]

######success arguments######

  • <object> data you are asking for
  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> success event

#####fail arguments#####

  • <mixed> the id you tried to get
  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> fail event

###all ( options)### Get all records from objectStore


  • store: <string> objectStore name [required]
  • success: <function> [see below for arguments]
  • error: <function> [see below for arguments]

######success arguments######

  • <array> array of all records in the objectStore
  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> success event

######fail arguments######

  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> fail event

###delete ( options)### Delete one record from objectStore


  • store: <string> objectStore name [required],
  • id: <mixed> the key you are trying to delete, can be <int> or <string> [required]
  • success: <function> [see below for arguments]
  • error: <function> [see below for arguments]

######success arguments######

  • <mixed> the key you deleted <int> or <string>
  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> success event

######fail arguments######

  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> fail event

###filter ( options)### Filter records in an objectStore by an index/value and optional ordering by arbitrary column/limiting


  • store: <string> objectStore name [required],
  • key: <string> index you want to filter by, must be set up in the schema [required],
  • value: <mixed> value at that index you want to filer for [required],
  • orderCol: <string> column to order by [optional] * both orderColumn and order must be set for sorting,
  • order: <enum ('asc'|'desc')> defaults to 'asc' for ascending order [optional],
  • limit: <int> number of rows to limit to [optional]
  • success: <function> [see below for arguments]
  • error: <function> [see below for arguments]

######success arguments######

  • <array> array of data you are asking for
  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> success event

######fail arguments######

  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> fail event

###clear ( options)### Delete all rows from an objectStore


  • store: <string> objectStore name [required]
  • success: <function> [see below for arguments]
  • error: <function> [see below for arguments]

######success arguments######

  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> success event

######fail arguments######

  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> fail event

###count ( options)### Count total records in an objectStore, with optional filtering for an index/value*


  • store: <string> objectStore name [required],
  • key: <string> index to filter count to [optional]
  • value: <string> value of index to filter count to [optional]
  • success: <function> [see below for arguments]
  • error: <function> [see below for arguments]

######success arguments######

  • <int> count
  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> success event

######fail arguments######

  • <string> the objectStore option passed
  • <event> fail event

Full Example

// schema
var dbSchema = [{
    name: 'animals',
    key: 'id',
    indexes: [
        { name: 'class', field: 'class', unique: false }

// dbobject store
var db;

// init
var IDB = new DB({
    name: 'dbname',
    version: 1,
    schema: dbSchema,
    success: function (DBObject) {
        db = DBObject;
    error: function (support, e) {
        console.log('error initing db');

function doStuff () {
    // make calls with the db object here
    var data = [
        {id: 1, name: 'raccoon', class: 'mammalia'},
        {id: 2, name: 'octopus', class: 'cephalopoda'},
        {id: 3, name: 'ibex', class: 'mammalia'},
        {id: 4, name: 'ant', class: 'insecta'},
        {id: 5, name: 'whale', class: 'mammalia'},
        {id: 6, name: 'eagle', class: 'aves'},
        {id: 7, name: 'iguana', class: 'reptilia'},
        {id: 8, name: 'crab', class: 'malacostraca'}

        store: 'animals', 
        data: data, 
        replace: true,
        success: function (rowsAdded, rowsFailed, e) {
            // added
            console.log('Added ' + rowsAdded.length + ' rows to animals');
            // get id = 5
                store: 'animals', 
                id: 5,
                success: function (data, e) {
                    console.log(data.name + ' is in the class ' + data['class']);
                error: function (id, e) {
                    console.log('error getting row ' + id);
        error: function (rowsAdded, rowsFailed, e) {
            // error
            console.log(rowsFailed.length + ' rows failed insert');