
Download and view subway ridership data for BART (Bay Area) and MTA (New York City)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Subway Ridership during COVID-19

A simple tool to download and view subway ridership data for New York City's MTA and Bay Area's BART.

Created by Youyang Gu.

For a time series CSV file of ridership per day or a list of busiest stations, see the output_data folder.

2020-06-13 BART and MTA Ridership 2020-06-13 BART Ridership 2020-06-13 MTA Ridership


BART - Daily Station Exits (updated monthly): https://www.bart.gov/about/reports/ridership

MTA - Turnstile Data (updated weekly): http://web.mta.info/developers/turnstile.html


You need Python 3.7+ with the following packages: numpy, pandas, requests, matplotlib (for plotting), openpyxl (to read Excel file)

You can quickly install all the dependencies by running the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Plot BART + MTA ridership

python plot_ridership.py

Plot BART ridership only

python bart_ridership.py

Plot MTA ridership only

python mta_ridership.py

Plot BART ridership + select stations

python bart_ridership.py --station_abbr EM --station_abbr CC --station_abbr OW

Station abbreviations here: https://github.com/youyanggu/subway_ridership/blob/master/output_data/busiest_stations_bart.csv

Plot MTA ridership + select stations

python mta_ridership.py --station_name 34 St-Penn Sta --station_name Grd Cntrl-42 st --station_name Jksn Ht-Roosvlt --station_name Smith-9 St --station_name Parkchester

Station names here: https://github.com/youyanggu/subway_ridership/blob/master/output_data/busiest_stations_mta.csv

Change baseline date

By default, we use the week of February 1 as the baseline to compare future ridership. To use a different start date, pass in a --start_date flag. You can also pass in an --end_date flag (default end date is the latest day):

python bart_ridership.py --start_date 2020-02-01 --end_date 2020-12-31

Save output

You can save the output of our ridership data by passing in the --out_fname flag. This will generate the file you see here: https://github.com/youyanggu/subway_ridership/blob/master/output_data/daily_bart_ridership.csv.

python bart_ridership.py --out_fname output_data/daily_bart_ridership.csv
