- Code to reproduce the vertex collection without the muons tracks in Z events
- For Higgs to 2 photons vertex validation
- this versions works on 2017 Data in CMSSW_9_2_X but can probably work in other releases
cmsrel CMSSW_9_2_13
cd CMSSW_9_2_8/src
git cms-init
git clone https://github.com/youyingli/MiniAODNoMuonTrackProducer
scram b -j 3
cmsRun MiniAODNoMuonTrackProducer/MiniAODProducer/python/miniAOD-prod_PAT_DATA_AllVerticesCollFiltered.py
After building your crab config file, please test your crab job by
source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/crab3/crab.sh
crab submit -c <crab config file> --dryrun
If not failed, it will show
Data.unitsPerJob = 79
which tells you a correct number should be set in your crab config file. Then, modify your config file and do
crab submit -c <crab config file>