
Laravel 5.5 MarketPlace

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


About MarketPlace

MarketPlace is a filemarket place where users can buy or sell files. Based on the development branch of the Laravel framework. (5.5). Redis database for jobs with a Laravel Horizon dashboard. Experiment the Bulma framework.


  • Send emails and sms when a sale occured
  • Show monthly and lifetime commission for the admin of the website
  • Show monthly and lifetime earning for each users


  1. `git clone https://github.com/yovanoc/marketplace`
  2. `cd marketplace`
  3. `cp .env.example .env`
  4. `php artisan key:generate`
  5. Fill correctly the .env file with database, nexmo, stripe, pusher and other infos.
  6. Keep running a redis database and fill connection informations too.
  7. `composer install && composer update`
  8. `npm install && npm update`
  9. `npm run dev` for compiling assets (js & css)
  10. `php artisan migrate`
  11. Always keep running `php artisan horizon` for jobs
  12. Enjoy :)



This project take the same License as the Laravel framework. Is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.