
Make your setter and getter faster in PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Setter Getter Builder

Build your inner variable with setter and getter faster

From array like this

$data = array(
	'error info',
	'Anything Information'

into this

private $_data;

private $_output;

private $_error;

private $_error_info;

private $_anything_information;

function set_data($data) {
	$this->_data = $data;

function set_output($output) {
	$this->_output = $output;

function set_error($error) {
	$this->_error = $error;

function set_error_info($error_info) {
	$this->_error_info = $error_info;

function set_anything_information($anything_information) {
	$this->_anything_information = $anything_information;

function get_data() {
	return $this->_data;

function get_output() {
	return $this->_output;

function get_error() {
	return $this->_error;

function get_error_info() {
	return $this->_error_info;

function get_anything_information() {
	return $this->_anything_information;

with just simply an echo

How To Use


use Yoviprasetyo\SetGet\SetGet;

$set_get = new SetGet();

$data = array(
	'error info',
	'Anything Information'

echo $set_get->build($data);