
Linode Driver Plugin for Docker Machine using Linode APIv4

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Linode Driver Plugin for docker-machine.


docker-machine is required, see the installation documentation.

Then, install the latest release for your environment from the releases list.

Installing from source

If you would rather build from source, you will need to have a working go 1.11+ environment,

eval $(go env)
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"

You can then install docker-machine from source by running:

go get github.com/docker/machine
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/docker/machine
make build

And then compile the docker-machine-driver-linode driver:

go get github.com/linode/docker-machine-driver-linode
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/linode/docker-machine-driver-linode
make install


You will need a Linode APIv4 Personal Access Token. Get one here: https://developers.linode.com/api/v4#section/Personal-Access-Token

docker-machine create -d linode --linode-token=<linode-token> linode


Argument Env Default Description
linode-token LINODE_TOKEN None required Linode APIv4 Token (see here)
linode-root-pass LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD generated The Linode Instance root_pass (password assigned to the root account)
linode-authorized-users LINODE_AUTHORIZED_USERS None Linode user accounts (separated by commas) whose Linode SSH keys will be permitted root access to the created node
linode-label LINODE_LABEL generated The Linode Instance label, unless overridden this will match the docker-machine name. This label must be unique on the account.
linode-region LINODE_REGION us-east The Linode Instance region (see here)
linode-instance-type LINODE_INSTANCE_TYPE g6-standard-4 The Linode Instance type (see here)
linode-image LINODE_IMAGE linode/ubuntu18.04 The Linode Instance image which provides the Linux distribution (see here).
linode-ssh-port LINODE_SSH_PORT 22 The port that SSH is running on, needed for Docker Machine to provision the Linode.
linode-ssh-user LINODE_SSH_USER root The user as which docker-machine should log in to the Linode instance to install Docker. This user must have passwordless sudo.
linode-docker-port LINODE_DOCKER_PORT 2376 The TCP port of the Linode that Docker will be listening on
linode-swap-size LINODE_SWAP_SIZE 512 The amount of swap space provisioned on the Linode Instance
linode-stackscript LINODE_STACKSCRIPT None Specifies the Linode StackScript to use to create the instance, either by numeric ID, or using the form username/label.
linode-stackscript-data LINODE_STACKSCRIPT_DATA None A JSON string specifying data that is passed (via UDF) to the selected StackScript.
linode-create-private-ip LINODE_CREATE_PRIVATE_IP None A flag specifying to create private IP for the Linode instance.
linode-tags LINODE_TAGS None A comma separated list of tags to apply to the Linode resource
linode-ua-prefix LINODE_UA_PREFIX None Prefix the User-Agent in Linode API calls with some 'product/version'


  • When using the linode/containerlinux linode-image, the linode-ssh-user will default to core
  • A linode-root-pass will be generated if not provided. This password will not be shown. Rely on docker-machine ssh, linode-authorized-users, or Linode's Rescue features to access the node directly.

Docker Volume Driver

The Docker Volume plugin for Linode Block Storage can be installed while reusing the docker-machine properties:


docker-machine create -d linode $MACHINE

eval $(docker-machine env $MACHINE)

# Region and Label are not needed. They would be inferred.  Included here for illustration purposes.
docker plugin install --alias linode linode/docker-volume-linode:latest \
  linode-token=$(docker-machine inspect $MACHINE -f "{{ .Driver.APIToken }}") \
  linode-region=$(docker-machine inspect $MACHINE -f "{{ .Driver.Region }}") \
  linode-label=$(docker-machine inspect $MACHINE -f "{{ .Driver.InstanceLabel }}")

docker run -it --rm --mount volume-driver=linode,source=test-vol,destination=/test,volume-opt=size=25 alpine

docker volume rm test-vol


Detailed run output will be emitted when using the LinodeGo LINODE_DEBUG=1 option along with the docker-machine --debug option.

LINODE_DEBUG=1 docker-machine --debug  create -d linode --linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN machinename


Simple Example

LINODE_TOKEN=e332cf8e1a78427f1368a5a0a67946ad1e7c8e28e332cf8e1a78427f1368a5a0 # Should be 65 lowercase hex chars

docker-machine create -d linode --linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN linode
eval $(docker-machine env linode)
docker run --rm -it debian bash
$ docker-machine ls
NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER   STATE     URL                        SWARM   DOCKER        ERRORS
linode    *        linode   Running   tcp://           v18.05.0-ce

$ docker-machine rm linode
About to remove linode
WARNING: This action will delete both local reference and remote instance.
Are you sure? (y/n): y
(default) Removing linode: 8753395
Successfully removed linode

Provisioning Docker Swarm

The following script serves as an example for creating a Docker Swarm with master and worker nodes using the Linode Docker machine driver and private networking.

This script is provided for demonstrative use. A production swarm environment would require hardening.

  1. Create an install.sh bash script using the source below. Run bash install.sh and provide a Linode APIv4 Token when prompted.

    set -e
    read -p "Linode Token: " LINODE_TOKEN
    # LINODE_TOKEN=...
    LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32); echo Password for root: $LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD
    create_node() {
        local name=$1
        docker-machine create \
        -d linode \
        --linode-label=$name \
        --linode-instance-type=g6-nanode-1 \
        --linode-image=linode/ubuntu18.04 \
        --linode-region=$LINODE_REGION \
        --linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN \
        --linode-root-pass=$LINODE_ROOT_PASSWORD \
        --linode-create-private-ip \
    get_private_ip() {
        local name=$1
        docker-machine inspect  -f '{{.Driver.PrivateIPAddress}}' $name
    init_swarm_master() {
        local name=$1
        local ip=$(get_private_ip $name)
        docker-machine ssh $name "docker swarm init --advertise-addr ${ip}"
    init_swarm_worker() {
        local master_name=$1
        local worker_name=$2
        local master_addr=$(get_private_ip $master_name):2377
        local join_token=$(docker-machine ssh $master_name "docker swarm join-token worker -q")
        docker-machine ssh $worker_name "docker swarm join --token=${join_token} ${master_addr}"
    # create master and worker node
    create_node swarm-master-01 & create_node swarm-worker-01
    # init swarm master
    init_swarm_master swarm-master-01
    # init swarm worker
    init_swarm_worker swarm-master-01 swarm-worker-01
    # install the docker-volume-linode plugin on each node
    for NODE in swarm-master-01 swarm-worker-01; do
      eval $(docker-machine env $NODE)
      docker plugin install --alias linode linode/docker-volume-linode:latest linode-token=$LINODE_TOKEN
  2. After provisioning succeeds, check the Docker Swarm status. The output should show active an swarm leader and worker.

    $ eval $(docker-machine env master01)
    $ docker node ls
    ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
    f8x7zutegt2dn1imeiw56v9hc *   master01            Ready               Active              Leader              18.09.0
    ja8b3ut6uaivz5hf98gah469y     worker01            Ready               Active                                  18.09.0
  3. Create and scale Docker services (left as an excercise for the reader).

    $ docker service create --name my-service --replicas 3 nginx:alpine
    $ docker node ps master01 worker01
    ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE           ERROR               PORTS
    7cggbrqfqopn         \_ my-service.1    nginx:alpine        master01            Running             Running 4 minutes ago
    7cggbrqfqopn         \_ my-service.1    nginx:alpine        master01            Running             Running 4 minutes ago
    v7c1ni5q43uu        my-service.2        nginx:alpine        worker01            Running             Running 4 minutes ago
    2w6d8o3hdyh4        my-service.3        nginx:alpine        worker01            Running             Running 4 minutes ago
  4. Cleanup the resources

    docker-machine rm worker01 -y
    docker-machine rm master01 -y

Discussion / Help

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MIT License